This update, however, is simply to notify those that have emailed about me contacting Games Workshop...I have done so this morning. I was pretty thorough and we'll see if any of this makes an impression. I talked about needed FAQ clarifications (about a dozen right now), the state of the Black Templars (rules/fluff), and how we perceive the company feels about the Black Templars. I'll let you guys know if I get a legitimate, non-corporate speak response. But more likely, we'll at least get some clarifications done in a revised FAQ.
Next, please note that the BT 101 guide will be slowly updated as I have the time to do so. For the time being, more time will be spent updating my lists and doing analysis via the blog. However, as I put the finishing touches on the guide, I'll let you know.
Lastly, I'd like to know what you'd like to see first? More lists? Analysis on our units and/or rules? How we build effective armies in the new edition? Something else? Let me know. There is lots to talk about, but I'd rather start with stuff that people want first. ;)