Plus, you get all of the fun and exciting coverage that goes along with it. Especially fun and exciting is the battle reports. I just hope that my opponent's have no issue with me taking pictures of the game. :)
I finished assembling most of my forces, but I don't think I'll have time to finish building up the necessary vehicles to put out my second list. So back to Plan A, which I suppose is better, since I've got more experience with the list. Its too bad, but cannot be helped. I'll spend the time to put the rest of the stuff together on Sunday. I'm also supposed to start painting Brandon's Blood Drinkers soon. He thinks I'll get his entire 1k army done in 1.5 months. Ha ha ha. Nice try. :P
In other news, I made a slight tweak to my gunline list. After playing a few games recently, I decided to take the missile launchers off the two normal dreads and gave them heavy flamers instead. This will give me some counter-attack punch in the list, which it was sorely lacking before. It'll also give me more flamers for emergencies, while maintaining decent long range AT firepower. I made the change a while ago, but kept forgetting to change it here. Hopefully no one went out and bought missile launchers for their dreads. :/