The second item is going to go into how the Black Templars are going to beat the Dark Eldar. By now, I'm sure nearly everyone has, at the very least, heard about some of things that the Dark Eldar are going to be doing. I can imagine many of the BT faithful are wondering what they are going to do. I'm here to ease everyone's mind. We'll walk through everything together and see what we can do about making sure these vile xenos are purged from the Emperor's galaxy. ;)
In other news, I've continued to produce lists for the Dark Eldar and have play-tested several now. I'm not alone in this, as several around the blogosphere are doing the same. However, I want to keep ahead of the curve and convey what I've learned to my readers. For now, you'll have to endure the spam of lists. Some may work, some may not. All lists are built without playtesting, but I will play at least two games with every list I put out here. I want to make sure these lists are quality before I put them out to the public as legitimate competitive armies. You can enjoy my next list under the "Read More" cut. :D
* Archon w/ Agonizer, Blaster, Haywire Grenades, and Shadowfield. [130]
* Archon w/ Agonizer, Blaster, Haywire Grenades, and Shadowfield. [130]
* Hekatrix Bloodbrides (5x and 1x Syren) w/ 2x Shardnets & Impalers; 1x Agonizer. Mounted in a Raider w/ Flickerfields. [198]
* Hekatrix Bloodbrides (5x and 1x Syren) w/ 2x Shardnets & Impalers; 1x Agonizer. Mounted in a Raider w/ Flickerfields. [198]
* Warriors (10x) w/ 1x Blaster and Splinter Cannon. Mounted in a Raider. [175]
* Warriors (10x) w/ 1x Blaster and Splinter Cannon. Mounted in a Raider. [175]
* Warriors (10x) w/ 1x Blaster and Splinter Cannon. Mounted in a Raider. [175]
* Warriors (10x) w/ 1x Blaster and Splinter Cannon. Mounted in a Raider. [175]
* Beast Master Pack (5x Beast Masters) w/ 5x Khymera; 1x Clawed Fiend; 6x Razorwing Flock. [245]
* Reaver Jetbikes (3x) w/ Heat Lance. [78]
* Ravager w/ 3x Dark Lances. [105]
* Ravager w/ 3x Dark Lances. [105]
* Ravager w/ 3x Dark Lances. [105]
TOTAL: [1994]
This list is all about shock and awe. There are 15 Dark Lances that come out and knock important armor out. Then we'll use the troops squads to claim objectives/table quarters. Or we can move them forward and blast away with massive amounts of poison firepower. While this is occurring, the Archon-led Bloodbrides will be going full blast forward to lock up my opponent's dedicated close combat units. With their invulnerable saves, Agonizers, and Shardnets & Impalers, these can easily wittle down those squads in a mere turn or two.
Then the main punch will come from the Beast Master Pack. They have huge amounts of attacks on the charge, a large chunk being rending. Your enemy will have a tough choice to make: shoot down the Archon squads to prevent an easy charge, attempt to kill a tough CC unit (Beast Master Pack), or take down the troops. All of those options are the wrong choices, as even marginal success from the DE player will punch you in the face. You do have to watch out for gunline armies, but you have the tools to silence the majority of their shots while you get in position for the kill. While we don't have as much dakka potential as my last list, I think it is more balanced and we'll make it up with our CC-potential.
The list contains 15 Dark Lances, 6 Blasters, 4 Splinter Cannons, and 1 Heat Lance for giggles. Pretty much everything else has the potential to put out massive CC-attacks or poison shots from mid-range. Enjoy! :)