BT 101: Commonly Used Abbreviations!
New players wander into websites or forums for Warhammer 40k all the time, but they usually find that they are missing some important pieces of language. I'm referring to the commonly used 40k acronyms. Without these "key-codes", those players are unable to understand what is being said or referenced. Because most internet personalities take their knowledge for granted, a new player can easily get confused rather quickly.
Fortunately, I'm here to help. This page is meant to provide a handful of important terms for the new Black Templars player. Included will be all of the main Black Templars abbreviations, as well as several general terms for the game itself. This list is constantly being updated, as there is no way that one can come up with all of the abbreviations being used in one sitting. It will be updated as I come across more acronyms that need to be defined. See some that I don't reference? Send me an email and I'll add them. :)
Fortunately, I'm here to help. This page is meant to provide a handful of important terms for the new Black Templars player. Included will be all of the main Black Templars abbreviations, as well as several general terms for the game itself. This list is constantly being updated, as there is no way that one can come up with all of the abbreviations being used in one sitting. It will be updated as I come across more acronyms that need to be defined. See some that I don't reference? Send me an email and I'll add them. :)
Black Templars (or Space Marine) Specific
ATSKNF - And They Shall Know No Fear
DPA - Drop Pod Assault
LoH - Litanies of Hate
DDP - Defensive Drop Pods
KoS - Knights of Sigismund
AoD - Angels of Death
LR - Land Raider
LRC - Land Raider Crusader
EC - Emperor's Champion
Ven Dread - Venerable Dreadnought
DP - Drop Pod
CS - Crusader Squad
LS - Land Speeder
AS - Assault Squad
AB - Attack Bike
Tri Las - Predator Annihilator with TL Lascannons and Lascannon sponsons
PoLC - Pair of Lightning Claws
LC - Lightning Claw
TH - Thunder Hammer. Can also mean "Tank Hunters"
PW - Power Weapon
PF - Power Fist
SS - Storm Shield
IH - Iron Halo
Pg - Plasmagun
Mg - Meltagun
MM - Multi Melta
HB - Heavy Bolter
HF - Heavy Flamer
ML - Missile Launcher
Las - Lascannon
AC - Autocannon. Rarely used to abbreviate "Assault Cannons".
BP - Bolt Pistol
CCW - Close Combat Weapon
PotMS - Power of the Machine Spirit
CML - Cyclone Missile Launcher
General Warhammer 40k Terms
WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get
BT - Black Templars
BA - Blood Angels
SM - Space Marines
DA - Dark Angels
SW - Space Wolves
GK - Grey Knights
IG - Imperial Guard
DE - Dark Eldar
DoW - Dawn of War
CC - Close Combat
Mech - Mechanized
MEQ - Marine Equivalent (T 4, 3+ Armor)
GEQ - Guardsmen Equivalent (T 3, 5+ Armor)
IC - Independent Character
AI - Anti Infantry
AT - Anti Tank Note -- Doesn't necessarily mean anti-vehicle weaponry. Any high wound model is an applicable target for high damage weaponry.
AF - Anti Flyer
AA - Anti Air (Flyer)
FTF - First Turn Firepower
MSU - Multiple Small Units
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
GtG - Gone to Ground
Dakka - Term used to describe torrent of fire.
DIY - Do It Yourself
DtW - Deny the Witch
LOS - Line of sight