I do know a few things about the playerbase that could possibly be attending. First, I know that there are a couple of players that frequent the store that are fervent followers of Darkwynn's IG Leafblower list. These guys might give me problems, as I'll be running a more fragile "Rhino Rush" so I'll have to be especially cautious of giving free shots at my vehicles. Fortunately, these players also use decent amounts of infantry, so I know I'll at least have something to charge. There will also be a couple of Space Wolf players, but only one of them I'm concerned about: the one that won this year's 'Ard Boys for the area. He actually puts out excellent lists, the others don't. The remaining players that I've seen around I'm not too terribly concerned with.
I do have a concern with the terrain. The boards at the store are decent enough, but the terrain can sometimes be lacking (from experience). This will cause problems for my rhinos if facing a gun-line army. It might also benefit me, in some circumstances, with my increased LOS.
I play to go a bit more in depth this week regarding my thoughts on the tournament, so keep an eye out. I do plan on acquiring the needed Razorbacks and Multi-Meltas/Lascannon bits needed to get my gun-line armies up to WYSIWYG standard. The big news to glean from this post is that a tourney is to be had on the 14th! And of course, there will be battle report coverage. ;)