Not 40k related? Bah! Looks like I lost a bunch of readers there. Haha. Oh well. Anyway, this week, I'm focusing on a new game that a few of my friends and I have started. The game is called Malifaux. It was created by Wyrd Miniatures a couple years ago to go with the minis they already had created. And we're really excited!
Welcome to this week's rendition of Hobby Thursday. Every Thursday, I take the time out of my busy schedule to throw myself into the hobby side of wargaming. The topics may vary week to week, but usually it'll be 40k related. However, not this week!
Not 40k related? Bah! Looks like I lost a bunch of readers there. Haha. Oh well. Anyway, this week, I'm focusing on a new game that a few of my friends and I have started. The game is called Malifaux. It was created by Wyrd Miniatures a couple years ago to go with the minis they already had created. And we're really excited!
Well, unfortunately, the last few days have been relatively uneventful. I'm not sure if that is a good or a bad thing, but that means there wasn't much of interest for you guys to read. So this post is primarily to update everyone on what is going on for me right now in the land of 40k.
I'm not into that whole "politically correct" mumbo jumbo, so there it is. Merry Christmas to you all. Don't do Christmas? That's fine. But I do, so deal with it. ;)
As you probably noticed, there was no Hobby Thursday this week. That's because its the holidays and I really haven't had a whole lot of time to devote to modeling/painting considering the festivities. Next week should be good to go. Including a new fun and exciting game on the side that some friends and I are going to start to break up the cycle of 40k on our game nights (Monday evening). Pretty sure I'm going to talk about it then. It is important to note that these "Hobby Thursdays" will not always be 40k oriented, just something having to do with the wargaming hobby. Could be me building a board one day, doing a review on some models, or even painting something random. Who knows. :) Oh! Via Messenger of Death's blog, there were a couple articles that he found that had to do alternate ways of painting black. You can find those articles here and here. Since it applies to the Black Templars, I thought it'd be useful to check out. Of particular interest to me is the method of painting Adeptus Battlegrey as first base coat, then using a couple Badab Black washes to shadow the mini. You can put on some hard-edge highlights to make things pop out if you so desire, but from the pictures, it really isn't needed. Apparently after the second wash, the miniature is essentially black, but with more natural depth/highlights to it. I'm really interested in this and I plan on doing a test mini to see how it actually turns out. If it looks good, I'll use it. That'll be a helluva lot easier and less time consuming to do than to paint hard-edge highlights on everything. Let me paint a mini up and I'll let you know how it looks. :D Have a great night and Christmas Day! ;) So I was browsing my YouTube subscriptions this evening and I came across some videos that stood out to me, as they were Black Templars related. They were made by Fritz40k (he also put out a .PDF to accompany the videos) and basically had the goal of teaching new players how to use the Black Templars. Sound familiar? Thought so. Its basically a viral BT 101 guide. I'm all for helping people in the BT community and anyone that does so is alright in my book.
But, I'm disappointed in the content given. He's done good tacticas in the past, but when you base your advice on a list that is fundamentally uncompetitive, there is issues. While I've been planning on making several video guides myself for some time, Fritz beat me to the punch. Unfortunately, he has the subscriber/follower base that will take his word as 'The Truth'. This is bad. I plan on doing a thorough review on both the PDF file and the videos here on Implausible Nature. There are problems in his advice and quite a bit I don't agree with. On the other hand, there are nuggets of useful information there that should be addressed. In the meantime, you can check out the videos (about 1-1.5 hrs worth) and PDF yourself. Hopefully you'll see what is wrong in them. If not, I'll enlighten you all soon enough. Hello there! Unfortunately, I had intended this article to be posted several days ago but I simply did not have the time to do so. It is the holiday season, after all. So basically what I wanted to show people is that our version of the gunline was just as efficient and effective as the ones in our counterpart's codices, namely the vanilla Space Marine book, as they do it best.
This article will be an introduction to my "How To" article regarding my BT Gunline list, as well as show readers that there is merit to this style of play if you choose to go that route. I know that it isn't exactly the typical Templar way to sit back and shoot, but even the Black Templars need fire support to be effective. Adaptability is key when our strengths in an old codex dwindle, so learning new strategies and tactics are essential to our continued success. Change is hard, but in this case, its not a bad thing. I'm going to start off by showing you the two lists I'll be comparing. Both are competitive tournament lists that you could see (or likely see in the case of the C:SM list) at an event such as Nova Open. Once you've seen the lists, we'll take a closer look at everything in it. Email: "Just wanted to give you a big THANK YOU!
Your site is great! I found help for little things here and there, and your articles are fun reads. I haven't followed your drop pod advice (Shooty Defensive) as i would like to find something to suit my play style a little better. I find your shooty Templars a bit blasphemous, but thats for another day. ;) All in all, you are doing a awesome service to Black Templar players! Now. Give me a reason to take Helbrecht. I still have not found one... :P" Reply: Haha. You're welcome. Thanks for the feedback! :D I know that my play-style isn't for everyone, but that is ok. I don't force my ideas on players, but without using them, the mission of Implausible Nature is lost. What my website does it bring in an additional viewpoint to readers, from a competitive standpoint, so that they can make an informed decision how to go about playing their armies. Are my thoughts controversial to the generally held ideals of the community? Yes. But that is what helps facilitate the learning process. Challenging long-held ideas are important to improving your skill level in not only in 40k, but everyday life. :D Do I think I'm THE expert on the Black Templars? No. But I do know what I'm talking about and I plan to prove it when Nova Open comes around next summer. Plus, one of the big reasons I created Implausible Nature was that I simply did not have the time to individually answer every question that came up in depth. I needed a way to efficiently pass on my experience and knowledge, so I decided that a permanent website was the best place to do this. I figured it would allow me to just say: "Hey, go to this website and it'll give you my answer to your question, as well as answering most of your future questions." That way, other people could do the same. ;) It is important to note that I don't glean any financial gains from my website. It is simply there. Partially for my desire to put down my ideas on the BT/DE, some for my need to have another distraction in my life, but mostly for my desire to help people get better at using their BT armies. Seeing people spend all that time, energy, and money on their armies...only to not do very well is disheartening. So the goal was to make a positive impact on the community, and from the feedback I've gotten, I have. That is compensation enough for me. :) As for Helbrecht, you'll have to wait for a new codex for that to happen. Sorry bud. lol! I know that I've not posted in a couple days...but don't worry, I have an article started for you Black Templars players. Been busy working this weekend. Guess that's what happens when you work in a restaurant during the holidays. ;)
When I get off today, I'll look at getting that article finished up and posted live for ya'll. :) EDIT: Sorry folks...stuff came up IRL so I was unable to finish up the article for ya'll. I'm going to make a solid effort at getting it done for tomorrow evening (12-22-10) though. For those interested, it has to do with the BT Gunline army. Call it an intro of sorts to next month's updates. ;) So I was cruising around the internet this morning, making my normal forum/blog rounds when I discovered a most excellent thread. It is in regards to how "Hardcore" each chapter is. If you're into the Black Templars imagery, this is a thread you should definitely check out. Watching everyone describe what they feel the BT are all about gives me a sense of awe that only spurs me on even further to finish painting my army. :D
I've designed a new army list for the Dark Eldar, but what else is new? Lol! I'm not sure I'd call it competitive...yet. It might turn out to be this way, but it is definitely a fun list and I might build it for casual games. Here it is: HQ * Baron Sliscus [105] * Haemonculus w/ Liquifier Gun and Webway Portal. [95] * Haemonculus w/ Liquifier Gun and Webway Portal. [95] Elites: * 3 Kabalite Trueborn w/ 3 Blasters. Mounted in a Venom w/ 2 Splinter Cannons. [146] * 3 Kabalite Trueborn w/ 3 Blasters. Mounted in a Venom w/ 2 Splinter Cannons. [146] * 3 Kabalite Trueborn w/ 3 Blasters. Mounted in a Venom w/ 2 Splinter Cannons. [146] Troops: * 15 Hellions w/ Hellglaives. [240] * 10 Kabalite Warriors w/ 1 Dark Lance. Mounted in a Raider w/ Dark Lance. [175] * 10 Kabalite Warriors w/ 1 Dark Lance. Mounted in a Raider w/ Dark Lance. [175] * 4 Wracks. Mounted in a Raider w/ Dark Lance. [100] * 4 Wracks. Mounted in a Raider w/ Dark Lance. [100] Fast Attack: * 6 Reaver Jetbikes w/ 2 Heat Lances. [156] Heavy Support: * Talos Pain Engine w/ TL-Heat Lance and Chain-Flails. [120] * Talos Pain Engine w/ TL-Heat Lance and Chain-Flails. [120] * Cronos Parasite Engine w/ Spirit Syphon and Close Combat Weapon. [80] Total Points: [1999] Interesting, isn't it? The basis of the list is to fly balls out forward with the Haemonculi and Wracks, jump out, and drop the WWP right in front of the enemy's face. From there, when the reserves become available, you'll have 3 MCs charging straight out of gates to mess stuff up. In addition, you'll have Reaver Jetbikes and the Baron-led Hellions to wreck havoc. The list itself is slightly weak in the AT department, featuring only 15 dark light weapons and 4 heat lances. It should be enough for most armies, but probably not against super-mechanized lists that the IG can put out. Fortunately, the MC's can assist in this regard as they are quite able to smash into vehicles. I don't think that AI will be an issue with all the CC goodness in the list, but just in case, we have the Haemonculi liquifier guns and the 3 Venoms to thin the numbers a bit. You will also be at a disadvantage if you don't go first. Fortunately, Baron helps you out a bit with a +1 to the roll to go first. Ideally you'll keep the warrior squads/raiders, trueborn/venoms, and the wracks/venom on the board regardless of the turn order. That way they can move forward to drop the WWP and provide meaningful AT fire while you're waiting on your reserves. Should be fun to play. Perhaps I'll try it out one of the coming weeks. :) This week was relatively uneventful, considering I just got back into town after visiting the family for an early Christmas. Anyway, I started my new "Hobby Thursday" off with some assembly. Nothing major. Cleaned and assembled the remaining two Razorbacks and my last Land Speeder for the army. After building my Rhinos fairly sloppy a few years back, I now take significantly more time in the gluing process to ensure everything fits together flush. Rubber bands are my friend in this respect. Unfortunately, it also increases the assembly time dramatically. I also picked up the last few Cadians Kasrkins I needed from my LGS, cleaned them up, and glued them to their bases. I'll wait to prime all these until I buy that last Dreadnought.
I feel much happier now that I'm pretty much done with the assembly process for my Black Templars. Not going to lie, but I really, really dislike cleaning off mold lines. The only thing really needed to do are putting together the future Dreadnought and gluing on the bolters/plasmaguns/lascannons after I'm done painting the models. Then the only thing I'll have in my entire inventory to build is the metal and plastic LRC...but I have a feeling that its going to be sitting in its box for a really long time. Maybe I'll get around to Ebaying it one day. I've decided to go ahead with my "Crusade in 61 Days", so I need to have everything built and ready to go by January 1st (the day I'm starting it). That'll give me a solid two months exactly to paint everything up. I'm cautiously optimistic of my chances for success. It all depends on my motivation. Fortunately, having said that I'm going to go ahead with the project publicly should give me a kick in the rear. In addition, Algesan has kindly volunteered to join the effort on his end. The goal (for me at least) is to provide mutual encouragement so we stay focused on completing this project. I'm not sure if he's going with project as I've laid it out, but even if he's not, it's nice to have a fellow player joining the fray. It is, after all, for the Emperor. :D On the "Crusade in 61 Days" page, I'll have a daily progress update on what was accomplished. To go along with that, I'll likely use the Hobby Thursday blog post to do a review on everything done that week so I can get comments, suggestions, encouragement, etc. Should work out, I hope. :) To start off, I just spent an hour typing up my blog post for this evening, only for it to get eaten by the Weebly Monster. Sad face. So this re-write is going to be much more condensed. Maybe this will teach me to use the "Save to Drafts" button that is chillin' there? Heh.
Anyway, I've decided that I need a motivational tool to paint my miniatures. Not only mine, but the stack of minis that my friends wish me to paint. One of these years, I'll get around to those Blood Drinkers for Brandon. I really want to finish painting at least ONE of my armies for the Black Templars. Its like a splinter in my mind that I cannot get rid of. Here I sit, giving out all kinds of competitive advice for BT players and I don't even have a painted army. How does that make me feel? Pretty damn bad. Most of my readers do have well painted armies, so I'm getting showed up pretty good. I intend to correct that flaw. While doing so, I'll provide myself a consistent source of blog posts. I cannot be entirely sure what they'll entail, but something is almost always better than nothing. As I touched on, my painting goals will be centered around my Black Templars for the time being. Why? Because I've not seen any new release schedules for the Dark Eldar, causing potential problems with my painting progress if I were to take them to Nova Open. Thus, I'll just stick with the Black Templars at the Nova. Previously, I wanted to bring in the new DE and rape some face, but the last month or so the BT have been getting knocked left and right by competitive players. Because of this, I feel that I need to represent the community in some capacity and bring them to the "Big Show". Even if I don't win, I intend to make my mark. If I do win, all hell would break loose around in the 40k community. Not a bad thing, in my opinion. ;) There is a problem, however. The Nova Open requires that each army be painted. I have very little painted. So, I have to prioritize my painting schedule. Because I intend to bring my Gunline army to Nova, most of my painting will be vehicle based. This could be a curse or a boon. Because there are only 26 infantry models in the army, my paint time could potentially be significantly shorter. I'm not sure, since I've never painted a vehicle fully before. :D To assist me in this quest, I am strongly considering doing my own version of this painting project. Of course, because I actually work, 21 days isn't realistic for me. I was thinking more along the lines of 61 days. This would give me two full months to devote to the project and that should be sufficient time to get everything done. Not too much time, considering my motivational factor so it'll still be a challenge, but not too little time either. Considering I finally got my BT vehicle upgrade bits in the mail, I can finally build my last two Razorbacks and I'll build my last Land Speeder while I'm at it. Once that is done, I'll buy another Dreadnought because I only have two plastic ones (my other two are metal and weapons aren't interchangeable). That will give me this list to paint up:
Laeroth's Blog
This blog is devoted to the Black Templars chapter and the tactics, list building, and general musing associated with them. Readers will see occasional posts from Marshal Laeroth -- "Bob". Archives
July 2023