- First off, all the updates listed on the main page should be on schedule to be posted up on time for January 1st. Because the Gunline and Mechanized lists require much less finesse than the Defensive Drop Pod list, their 'How To' videos are much easier to lay out. In addition, I'm almost finished with the Dark Eldar codex review and you'll be able to check that out soon.
- All models for the BT Gunline Army are fully built, cleaned, and ready to go. With the exception of the last Dreadnought, as I mentioned in a previous post. Some of them still require a prime job, but that is simple enough. I'll have pictures up of the army before I start the "Crusade in 61 Days" painting project, so you know I'm not cheating. I'm looking forward to having these all painted up. :)
- There are a great number of new BT players starting to flow into the Bolter and Chainsword forums over the past few weeks. I have a feeling that Christmas had something to do with that, but we'll see if they stick to the army. That just means I'll have to be on top of my game with complete strategies and tacticas for the Black Templars.
- On the list of To-Dos: Providing an answer to Loquacious' target priority question; creating a more refined 'How to Beat Imperial Guard' section; critical analysis of Fritz40k's Black Templars videos/PDF; do a test model simply using black washes; create a video form of the BT 101 guide (some time away); anything else that I see on the internet that needs addressing. :D
Well, unfortunately, the last few days have been relatively uneventful. I'm not sure if that is a good or a bad thing, but that means there wasn't much of interest for you guys to read. So this post is primarily to update everyone on what is going on for me right now in the land of 40k.
Hey Marshal Laeroth,
12/29/2010 02:31:00 am
Do you mean JANUARY 1?
12/29/2010 03:01:44 pm
I did mean January 1st, good catch and thanks. :)
Well, I finally got some pictures up, all except for the first Dreadnought. Some delays here but this should start getting a bit easier one I make decisions on color details. Pull out the red and do all the eyes, plus any other reds. Rinse, repeat with other colors. Then touch up the black where I've been sloppy and try a couple of different washes.
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Laeroth's Blog
This blog is devoted to the Black Templars chapter and the tactics, list building, and general musing associated with them. Readers will see occasional posts from Marshal Laeroth -- "Bob". Archives
July 2023