As with most things, we need to understand our history so we can be better versions of ourselves for the future. 5th edition was just starting to hit its stride and was proving to be the most competitive version of the game yet. As a result, a great many players turned to the internet for nuggets of information on their chosen armies, including myself. I didn't find what I was looking for, so I started to chronicle my journey into competitive Black Templars. Others also jumped into the competitive blogosphere and the internet exploded with websites almost overnight. Even so much that there were dedicated blog repository websites for people to go to look for a specific blog (e.g. House of Paincakes). I tried to tailor Implausible Nature to having repeatable, yet consistent information, that wasn't wholly reliant on a blog. I believe that I accomplished that, especially with the success and acclaim of the Black Templars 101 guide. While IN has always been controversial with the BT player-base, usually for my list-building, I've always strove to convey a consistent message: competitive play with Black Templars.
Alas, the hay-day of the Warhammer 40k blog has ended. It seemed to start declining once 6th Edition was released and you can find the bones of once proud websites all over the internet. The time between 2011-2013 saw (in my estimation) the death of a good 80% of the player-produced blogs, with some lingering on a little while longer. 7th Edition was not good to the players and there was a massive decline in the community. Very few websites remained active and admittedly, it was tough to keep going here at Implausible Nature. The game was getting stagnant for me, as there was nothing new being released for the Black Templars that impacted competitive play. Our strategies remained the same, army lists didn't change, and you can only discuss things so many times. And so, updates to IN came less and less. But we survived, in no part thanks to our readers. We got a shot in the arm with the release of 8th Edition. Things are looking brighter for the game. Games Workshop is finally directly listening to its player-base, putting out updates consistently, and the game is fun again. Its still disappointing when I look around to all of the blogs I used to visit and seeing the decay out there, but we are still here.
I want to thank you all of your continued loyalty to Implausible Nature, with a special shout out to those that have donated their hard earned money to keep this site running. I run this website for all of the Black Templars players out there. Its you all that help motivate me to getting updates out to everyone. Thanks for all of the comments, emails, and everything else that you do. I appreciate it! Here is to another decade! :D