For one, the power level question in addition to units, while important shouldn't drastically hamper us (if nothing else we can spend 91 points (6 Initaites and a Neophyte) for 12 power (or rough equivalent to a 5 man Terminator Squad). The more important one will be the limitations on Turn 1 Deep Strike, sense before the FAQ; a tide list would use cheap deep strikers in mass to form as a functional faux screen. The second is functional removal of forward deployment deep strikers, turn 1. Now we have a couple options here to handle that, but here is my list for reference.
Black Templar Battalion
HQ - 179
Marshall - 101; Power Fist, Storm Shield
-Helm, Warlord (Rite)
Castallen - 78; Bolt Pistol, Jump Pack
-Teeth of Terra
Troops - 580
2x Crusader Squad - 392 (196); 14 Man, 7x Neo w/BP&Knife
-SB w/CombiFlamer&PowSword, 4x Init w/BP&Chain, 1x Init w/Flamer
-1x Init w/BP&PowSword
2x Intercessor Squad - 188 (94); 5 Man, 4x Inter w/BoltRifle
-Sgt w/BoltRifle&PowSword
Total 759
Black Templar Vanguard
HQ - 75
Emperor’s Champion - 75
Elite - 206
2x Reivar Squad - 200 (100); 5 Man, GravChutes
-Sgt w/Carb&Knife, 4x Reiv w/HvyPistol&Knife
Cenobyte Servitors - 6
Fast Attack - 280
2x Assault Squad - 280 (140); 7 Man, Jump Pack, 4x Marine w/BP&Chain
-Sgt w/TwinPlasmaPistol, 2x Marine w/PlasmPistol&Chain
Total 561
Vostroyan Battalion
HQ - 75
Company Commander - 30; Shotgun, Chainsword
-Kurov’s Aquila
Tempestor Prime - 45; CommandRod, Chainsword
Elite - 133
1x Special Weapon Squad - 45; 6 Man, 3x Gaurd w/Lasgun
-3x Gaurd w/PlasmGun
Militarum Tempestus Command Squad - 88; 4 Man
-4x Scion w/PlasmGun
Troops - 196
2x Infantry Squad - 118(59); 9 Man, 6x Gaurd w/Lasgun, 1x Gaurd w/PlasmGun
-Sgt w/LP&Chain, 1x HvyTeam w/Autocannon
1x Militarum Tempestus Scion Squad - 78; 5 Man, 2x Scion w/PlasmGun
-Tempestor w/PlasmPistol&Chain, 2x Scion w/HotShotLas
Fast Attack - 120
2x Rough Riders - 120 (60); 5 Man, 2x Pony w/LP, Chain + Lance
-Sgt w/LP, Chain + Lance, 2x Pony w/LP, Chain + PlasmGun
Heavy Support - 156
2x Heavy Weapon Squad - 156 (78); 3 Man, 3x HvyTeam w/Lascannon
Total - 680
Grand Total - 2000
So this list is my post FAQ list with 12 Command Points, 119 Models, 45 of those capable of deep striking or otherwise, and a net ‘118’ Power of which 52 of is droppable as Deep Strike. Furthermore there are 23 Units and up to 10 Reserve Units of various stripes. On average I will place 5 Units into reserve, the Reivars, and the Scion Units. And if curious I have 2000 total points and around 970 (969 exactly I believe) can be placed into reserve.
The beta’s rule, affects our use of deep strike as screens, Reivars and in the above list my Assault Marines. The basic change requires a different kind of melee ‘screen’ unit, fast moving and cheap. Rough Riders and Assault Marines for example, in the list above fill that role. The corollary is that using flank units, are no longer as needed.
I’d still advise have something that can do that role, because of niche scenarios vs lists like Blood Angels (whom have a redeploy stratagem), Grey Knights with Gate, and Genestealer Cults, are limited examples. It is no longer a main concern, at a list building level. It is now a concern on game level. The lack of a flanker or deep strikers also means our center can advance more aggressively as they don’t need to meander as much in the turn 1 backfield because there is no worry about an Alpha anymore.
Turn 2 Alpha or Beta’s will represent a different issue. You are less likely to have a center unit in position to counter assault, but a deep striker has now choose which to tackle vs forcing their opponent which unit to tackle back with. That also means certain glasscannons (Scions) with slow movement have to choose the operative target on the drop as that is their only viable target. I meandered quite a bit, but I’ll just look at the basics and my intention next month.
All said and done using the above list, as a sort of baseline, I’ll try and discuss each element of the list, over month or so. The first week is mostly a review of earlier posts, sense it’ll deal with my ‘center’. The second week, looking at the Reivars, Assault Marines And Rough Riders, their role as screens. And how especially the former two have changed in function. The ponies will be used as a way to transition into Week 3. Where I will discuss what we need in our allies (if you are bringing them) and what you should not use for allies. Then finally, recap the previous weeks, and conclude with some thoughts on the FAQ. My hope is try and share what I have learned about dealing with newest FAQ and how it’ll affect our boys in black.