This email confirms it. So that means I get to use my old lists again! Yay!
Just incase we're not able to use allies when the GKs are re-released, I'll keep the lists I made yesterday handy.
Implausible Nature |
Fortunately, the sky isn't falling. Games Workshop made a mistake with the editing of the GK/WH PDFs.
This email confirms it. So that means I get to use my old lists again! Yay! Just incase we're not able to use allies when the GKs are re-released, I'll keep the lists I made yesterday handy.
You can find the Daemonhunters codex PDF here and you can find the Witch Hunters codex PDF by clicking this.
I'm not really go into details about this, but basically they cut allies out of both codices. By this I mean, other armies cannot requisition the use of Witch Hunters or Daemonhunter units. So that means no more Brother-Captains for the BT. He was our primary and best method of psychic defense. No longer. This was likely a knee-jerk reaction by GW to prevent abuse by Imperial Guard players, as was being seen in 'Ard Boys. The whiners complained just enough I guess. Either way, GW didn't look at the more broad consequences of that decision and their effects on other armies such as ours. Still, we'll continue the Holy Crusade as we have always done. I cannot say it wasn't half-expected, so I cannot be too angry about it. However, because of the changes, I have to revise and play-test several of my lists to account for the loss of the Brother-Captain. This might take all day, and I MAY have to push back re-publishing the BT 101 guide till tomorrow. Personally, I think having updated lists with analysis is more important overall to players who might come knocking in the next day or so. Sorry about the delays. After a disaster of a trip out of state and the return flights, then coming back to a work week of almost 60 hours, I wasn't feeling so hot.
Anyway, I have the first few pages up live for your viewing pleasure. Please, send me any comments or concerns you have with it. If you'd like anything else adding into those sections, let me know. Just remember, the list is NOT intended to be a high-level tournament list. Part Two is an exercise in proper 5th Edition list building techniques. It can be used as is, but still needs a bit more fine tuning, but not so much that you won't win with it. Its a template, as it has all of the necessary things a good army needs. Remember, if you want my competitive lists, feel free to check out my BT Army Lists. Also, I know the last two parts are not viewable at the moment. There are some changes that I need finish before I make them accessible once more. I had a few people come by and check those articles out and gave me some excellent suggestions for improvement. Basically, I'm trying to streamline the BT 101 guide as much as I can. Expect these to become viewable soon. As always, I'll announce when they are visible on this this page. Til next time! |
Laeroth's Blog
This blog is devoted to the Black Templars chapter and the tactics, list building, and general musing associated with them. Readers will see occasional posts from Marshal Laeroth -- "Bob". Archives
July 2023