Anyway, I have the first few pages up live for your viewing pleasure. Please, send me any comments or concerns you have with it. If you'd like anything else adding into those sections, let me know. Just remember, the list is NOT intended to be a high-level tournament list. Part Two is an exercise in proper 5th Edition list building techniques. It can be used as is, but still needs a bit more fine tuning, but not so much that you won't win with it. Its a template, as it has all of the necessary things a good army needs. Remember, if you want my competitive lists, feel free to check out my BT Army Lists.
Also, I know the last two parts are not viewable at the moment. There are some changes that I need finish before I make them accessible once more. I had a few people come by and check those articles out and gave me some excellent suggestions for improvement. Basically, I'm trying to streamline the BT 101 guide as much as I can. Expect these to become viewable soon. As always, I'll announce when they are visible on this this page.
Til next time!