"As for BT's, no offense but your second founding, you should go back to C:SM and either another founding chapter (perhaps YOUR founding chapter then stick them together) or a traitor legion should get a new codex. Honestly though, i dont play BTs so i dont know to fix them"
Wow. Just wow. Really? Talk about ignorant. With the exception of the Space Wolves, the Black Templars are pretty much as non-Codex Astartes as you can possibly get. There is no way that they would fit into a book with Codex Chapters. Second Founding or not, the BT are the only ones that follow the path of original Legions. Arrogant to the last, zealous in the persecution of the Emperor's enemies, extremely loyal to the Emperor, honorable in their Crusade, and with a fleet of ships that would take likely take a dozen Space Marine Chapters to stop...I can't get enough of them. And I'm not alone. There are thousands of BT players out there. With the support of websites like Implausible Nature and B&C, those numbers are growing daily.
I personally, would be disgusted with Games Workshop if they dropped the Black Templars. So much so, that I would likely cease playing the game. I love the background, the feel of my armies, the look of my forces on a table...to put an end to that would destroy my desire to play Warhammer 40k.