Speaking of pages under construction, I'm on pace to complete my Black Templars 101 page. The Black Templars 101 project is something I'm working on that I hope will be a valuable resource for future new players to the army. Its my goal that people can just go "Hello, go read blah blah site. It has everything you need to know to start the army." and direct them to this ever expanding article.
That way, the new player has a concrete and detailed store of information at their disposal. So they can look through BT 101 and learn about the basics of the Black Templars. Then they can go to the Bolter and Chainsword Forums and the community will be able to give more specific information and feedback to any questions the new BT players might have. Of course, this is not a replacement for actual experience but will help the learning curve. Basically, its a resource that cuts out the "Hey I'm new. How do I go about starting the army? Whats good?" because it'll all be there. Hopefully.
Of course, I'd love feedback on it once its published so I can get the best information I can up there. But remember, it'll be from my perspective and thus, might be biased towards a certain method of play over another. Not everyone will agree with what is posted.