* Reclusiarch w/ Storm Bolter, Crozius Arcanum, Terminator Armor, and Tank-Hunters; 1 Terminator Command squad Sword Brethren w/ Storm Bolter, Power Fist, and Tank-Hunters; 2 Sword Brethren w/ Assault Cannons, Power Fists, and Tank-Hunters; 1 Sergeant w/ Storm Bolter, Power Weapon, and Tank-Hunters. [340]
* Reclusiarch w/ Storm Bolter, Crozius Arcanum, Terminator Armor, and Tank-Hunters; 1 Terminator Command squad Sword Brethren w/ Storm Bolter, Power Fist, and Tank-Hunters; 2 Sword Brethren w/ Assault Cannons, Power Fists, and Tank-Hunters; 1 Sergeant w/ Storm Bolter, Power Weapon, and Tank-Hunters. [340]
* Emperor's Champion w/ Black Sword, Bolt Pistol, Armor of Faith, and the Vow: "Abhor the Witch." [110]
* Sword Brethren Terminators: 5 Terminators w/ 2 Assault Cannons, 3 Storm Bolters, 5 Power Fists, and Tank-Hunters. [255]
* Sword Brethren Terminators: 5 Terminators w/ 2 Assault Cannons, 3 Storm Bolters, 5 Power Fists, and Tank-Hunters. [255]
* Sword Brethren Terminators: 5 Terminators w/ 2 Assault Cannons, 3 Storm Bolters, 5 Power Fists, and Tank-Hunters. [255]
* Crusader Squad: 5 Initiates w/ 3 Bolters, 1 Plasmagun, and 1 Lascannon. [101]
* Crusader Squad: 5 Initiates w/ 3 Bolters, 1 Plasmagun, and 1 Lascannon. [101]
Fast Attack:
* Black Templars Bike Squadron: 3 Bikers w/ 3 Plasmaguns and 3 Krak/Frag Grenades. [117]
* Imperial Bastion w/ 1 Quad-Gun and 4 Heavy Bolters. [125]
Total Points: [1999]
It looks pretty similar to the last version, but you'll note the fundamental change in how it plays. The first is the change from dual-Cyclone Missile Launchers in the Terminator squads to dual-Assault Cannons. I did this for a couple reasons. The most obvious reason is the fact that I'll be using my 2+ armor to full advantage and rushing forward to my opponent to get into close combat. To assist in that respect, my Castellans are now Reclusiarchs; they will give me re-rolls on the charge, plus giving me fearless on their units. I didn't give them Power Fists for a couple reasons: I didn't want to convert the metal models I had and simply didn't have the points to spare. I don't think I need them anyway. There are plenty of situations where having a +2 Str weapon, AP4, and Concussion is a positive.
Like the Terminator Command squads, the Terminator squads are now packing DAC. This helps me explain the second reason for the change: torrent of fire is critical to success in 6th Edition. On the surface, its much more difficult to kill a vehicle now. Its when you shoot it a great many times that it dies more quickly. But what would you rather do: fire one unit at a vehicle or fire three at it? Glances are now just as effective a way to kill vehicles now. Add in the fact that we don't have a reliable way to deal with Flyers, the 8 Assault Cannon shots per unit per turn (with the new Tank Hunters) is looking pretty darn appealing.
Third reason I like the change to Assault Cannons? If used against a high AV vehicle (i.e. Land Raider), we'll generate a high number of hits and statistically one rending shot. If you add in Tank-Hunters, we basically get to re-roll all those non-rending hits to try for them again! That is pretty darn awesome. Lastly, as I just mentioned, Assault Cannons have rending shots. That means they can deal with 2+ armor at range. While a lot of that 2+ armor will also have a 3+ invulnerable save attached to it, some of it won't and that is where the AC's will be crucial. Add in the fact that these things churn out huge numbers of high Str shots and you've got plenty of anti-infantry firepower as well.
The Emperor's Champion takes "Abhor the Witch", both for Psyker protection, but it also gives us a little bit more movement to start the game. I opted for a minimalistic troops approach once again, taking only two Las/Plas squads. This is a huge risk for objective games, but I don't feel that it will hamstring me with the very aggressive play-style I'll be implementing. They should be able to claim two objectives on my side of the board, with one troop squad punching hunkering down in the Imperial Bastion to lay down covering fire (and have another weapon against Flyers). The Bastion will provide relative protection to the squad inside, at least until I have to disembark to claim the objective nearby. In addition, I should be able to contest the majority of my opponent's objectives with the terminators. The EC will join the other squad, while they are camping an objective and firing at whatever target makes sense.
For those that I objectives I cannot reach with my other units, I have something special. My bike squad! These guys are extremely mobile and reasonably durable. This squad is small and compact, numbering only three members. However, all three of them are armed with Plasmaguns and can be used for strategic elimination of opportune targets. Use them for strafing runs against vulnerable flanks, MEQ outside of cover, or carpet bombing a Monstrous Creature. Quite a few tactical options are available for these guys. Three bikes are easy to hide, especially if using Nova Open-style terrain, so its not like they are open to the world to get shot to death. But if they are? Jink saves baby. That might save them from those AP3 or better shots, should they be unfortunate enough to be within LOS. Nevertheless, this squad isn't exactly the highest on the priority scale I would think. Use them carefully, but don't be afraid to be aggressive when needed. ;)