Hi there, I'm a new Black Templar player. I know I'm late to the party, but I've been reading as much material as I can and I found your site very informative. I'm about to make my first purchases to start my army, however, and I've checked out your army lists, and they don't seem to be updated for 8th edition.
The page is entitled "Building an 8th edition army list", but there is also a sign at the top of the page that reads **Still needs to be updated to 8th Edition!**.
The lists also don't contain Primaris, so that suggests that they aren't 8th Edition either.
Anyway, my question is: Do you still advise building MSU shooty Crusader Squads with a heavy and special weapon? I wanted to double check before I go ahead and buy. I'm a lore nerd first, so I would love if I could build a more fluffy list (and I actually don't want to include any Primaris since they are heresy), but I'd be willing to play Shooty if it will win some games.
Thanks for your help, and I want to say keep up with the site as I really enjoy reading it!
- Regards, J*****
The Emperor Protects
Yes, there is a good chunk of the BT 101 guide that has not yet been updated for 8th Edition. Truthfully, my spare time has not been very frequent, so I have not been able to get it completed in a timely manner. The lists currently posted on the website are free of Primaris, due to their old points costs prior to the Chapter Approved book. They were not viable at the time. Now, there are additional options that are at least semi-competitive like the Inceptor.
To answer your question, however...yes, I do advise building MSU. You definitely need an assault element to your list, but right now, shooting is where the strength of competitive list building lies. To compete against lists like Astra Militarium and Eldar, you need shooting. You need to eliminate elements of your opponent's list, before they can hurt you. I do love a little bit of an Alpha Strike, as it gives some tactical flexibility and uncertainty for your enemy. But I can assure you, you do not need Primaris to win games. But unfortunately, you will need to utilize transports and a bit of shooting yes. Its not how we want to roll, but its the nature of the edition. I would love to field entirely close combat units, but the fact remains that space marines are too elite and cost too many points for how many wounds they cause. Other armies do it so much better. So we need to fill the holes somehow.
I will look at posting up a sample list in the next couple days that might be able to be transitioned into the newest "Building an 8th Edition List", because I really need to get on that. If you have any other questions or specifics, let me know!