I emailed you before about a Drop Pod list. Well I've changed my army a bit since then, but I have my first tournament on Sunday and my force is a bit mis-matched.
You don't have to conjure a list up for me, was just wondering if you had any advice on what is viable, this is only going to be at my local friendly gaming store so we won't be getting Draigo-wing or whatever's the thing right now. Also its a doubles tournament, but we get paired randomly on the day so i can't build to complement another list.
Here's what I have:
Emperors Champion
Marshal/Castellan with Power Weapon (can change to Lightning Claw) and Storm Shield
22 Initiates with Bolt Pistol + Chainsword
4 with Meltaguns
3 with Powerfists
1 with a Powersword
5 Neopytes
5 Sword Brethren Built from the kit (POLC + PS)
5 Thunder Hammer Storm Shield Terminators (with Teleport Homer)
Drop Pod
Helbrecht (Obviously can't be used at this level but can stand in for a Marshal)
I can also pick up a Chaplain if I need to.
I was initially thinking of (yes I know its not the strongest build, but neither is this tournament) running a footslogging list, as 40 Marines will be a struggle for anyone to deal with, however I was struggling to organise squads as I don't have enough Neophytes and didn't know whether to put the EC in a big squad or not. I could also run a mixed list with the Drop Pod with Marines or Termintors in, Deep Striking Terminators and Outflanking Sword Brethren, with the Vindicator / Rhino running behind them with a small squad or two to watch objectives.
I appreciate my model collection is nowhere near competetive, but any help and advice would be welcome.
For Sigismund, Dorn and The Emperor
Reply: Hello! Normally I don't give much advice on doubles tournaments, since that is out of my realm of play (never done one tbh). However, it looks like the rules of your tournament are a little bit different. Such that I can actual give you reasonable advice, as you don't know who you're partner is going to be. That means you'll have to build at least a semblance of a cohesive fighting company yourself.
You'll need mobility, tank-busting power, and anti-infantry. Even at 1k points. You cannot rely on your opponent for this. Unfortunately, you're a little thin on the mobility section of things...so you'll definitely want to make use of your sole Rhino, even if its the lone piece of armor on the board. Reserve it if you have to. You also don't have much for long-range anti-armor, but we can get away with this with some sly list building. In fact, I suggest that you mix a few of these themes due to our model limitations. This is what I was thinking:
* Emperor's Champion w/ AAC [140]
* 5 Terminators w/ TH & SS and Tank-Hunters. [215]
* 5 Sword Brethren w/ 1 Pair of LCs, 1 Meltagun, and Counter-Attack (Terminator Honors on LC dude). Mounted in Drop Pod. [170]
* Crusader Squad (10 initiates; 5 neophytes) w/ 8 BP & CCWs, 1 Meltagun, and 1 Powerfist; 5 Neophytes w/ BP & CCWs (EC joins these guys). [235]
* Crusader Squad (10 initiates) w/ 8 BP & CCWs, 1 Meltagun, and 1 Power Weapon. Mounted in Rhino w/ Smoke Launchers and Extra Armor. [238]
Total: [998]
What you have in your model collection is very CC-oriented. Normally, I'd advise this in moderation as there are quite a few armies out there that can rip us to shreds there (i.e. Grey Knights). But since you're only responsible for 1k points, and the tournament should be reasonably friendly, you should be fine in this configuration.
Because you don't have any long-range AT weaponry outside of the Vindicator, we have to go another route for our AT. Admittedly, its pretty risky and I cannot guarantee that it will work. Basically, you're relying on your meltaguns and terminators to do the work for you. The Rhino will reserve if facing an opponent with lots of AT firepower. The large Crusader squad will advance forward with the Terminators (advised) shielding them for cover, but you can also Deep Strike them if you wish (not advised). With luck, they will fear the terminators more and will ignore the block of marines running their way.
When your reserves pop in, you'll bring your Sword Brethren in (you'll have to sub in a normal meltagun dude in the squad) on either A) an objective or B) next to an opponent's vehicle. With LD9 and Counter-Attack, they should be able to hold an objective for a reasonable amount of time (go to ground if needed). They can also assault if you need them to. This will be your "surprise" melta and a threat your opponent will have to think about during the game.
Everything in your army can do close combat, but I won't lie by saying I believe that you have enough AT in your model range. In the type of tournament you describe, you should do okay provided your opponent has some too. But if they don't? Could be have some difficulties. Nevertheless, the list is just an idea for you to utilize if you wish. Keep your list as balanced as possible, as you cannot guarantee who you'll be paired up with.
Good luck! :D