But the whole thing got me wondering: How would I go about doing it without restrictions? I don't have the problem of not having a certain configuration of model, as I've been collecting for 10 years. There is a real good chance I have everything I would ever need. The list also needed to be enjoyable to play. And on that same vein, I want to be able to win. That is sometimes difficult for the Black Templars below 1250 points, as they are so expensive.
What does that leave us with? At 750 points, we have to take the EC. We don't have the choice here, so we might as well make use of him. That means we need at least one CC-oriented troops unit to accompany him. Well, that is easy enough. Remember, our preferred configuration for an IC-led Crusader squad in a Rhino is sitting at 215 points. That is 7 initiates and 2 neophytes, with a power fist and meltagun. But in all honesty, in small games, I don't think we'll need those shear numbers to guarantee their survival in combat. Especially with the EC riding along with them. We'll knock down their numbers to 6 initiates. That sits at 199 points. More manageable.
We need another Crusader squad and it is my inclination to try at fit in a shooty unit to help bust open vehicles. We cannot rely on our meltagun to do the job. We know that the "gunline" Crusader squad clocks in at 191 points. That is 5-man unit with a Lascannon, plasmagun, and a Lasorback. Pretty impressive display of firepower. But there is a problem: its spendy as hell for so few guys. We'll put it in anyway and see where to go from there.
So we're looking something like this:
* Emperor's Champion w/ AAC. [140]
* Crusader Squad #1 (6 Initiates; 2 Neophytes) w/ 1 Power Fist and 1 Meltagun. Mounted in a Rhino w/ Extra Armor and Smoke Launchers. [199]
* Crusader Squad #2 (5 Initiates) w/ 1 Lascannon and 1 Plasmagun. Mounted in a Razorback w/ TL-Lascannon. [191]
Total: [530]
That gives us 220 points to play around with. We could go with another Crusader squad here and overwhelm our opponents with marine bodies, but I don't think that is very balanced. Once the Razorback goes down, our AT is significantly reduced. What about a Dreadnought? At this level, they are very difficult to eliminate. Even better, we have the annoying ability to take Venerable to make him even more durable. Why not? Toss in a Dreadnought with Ven and Tank Hunters.
Originally, I thought about taking a TL-Lascannon with a Heavy Flamer here. Normally this would be an excellent option, but I thought about the possible armies that I could be facing. Among them: Tyranids, Orcs, and Imperial Guard. All have the ability to field lots and lots of infantry, even in these small games. As it currently stands, I don't have a way to deal with those guys beyond close combat. So I think I'm going to leave the Assault Cannon/Storm Bolter on him and just give him Extra Armor/Venerable with Tank Hunters. This will give our Dreadnought the equivalent of 4 Str 7 shots with Rending against vehicles! Nasty! This gives him anti-tank, but gives him the ability to deal with infantry as well. I'd give him a Heavy Flamer as well, but I really want to use the metal Ven Dreadnought that GW put out some time ago. Its a bad ass model and I don't want the storm bolter as "counts as".
There is now 80 points to play around with. The obvious way to spend those points to me is to put in a Land Speeder with Typhoon Launchers (edited when BT FAQ came out). That gives us 2 long range missiles to hopefully pop a transport right away. This leaves us another 10 points, which I think would be best used on a single Neophyte for our shooty Crusader squad. Let's look at the finished list:
Escalation League List (750 points) #1:
* Emperor's Champion w/ AAC. [140]
* Venerable Dreadnought w/ Assault Cannon, Storm Bolter, Extra Armor, and Tank-Hunters. [140]
* Crusader Squad #1 (6 Initiates; 2 Neophytes) w/ 1 Power Fist and 1 Meltagun. Mounted in a Rhino w/ Extra Armor and Smoke Launchers. [199]
* Crusader Squad #2 (5 Initiates; 1 Neophyte) w/ 1 Lascannon and 1 Plasmagun. Mounted in a Razorback w/ TL-Lascannon. [201]
* Land Speeder w/ Heavy Bolter and Typhoon Missile Launchers. [70]
Total: [750]
Very nice! We have a CC-oriented unit of 8 guys plus the EC. That's quite a bit of killyness there. They will be our aggressive unit that will take the fight to the enemy. We also have a Crusader squad of 6 and a Razorback that are dedicated to AT fire support. They will sit back on our home objective if that is something the scenario calls for. Then the Dreadnought will follow behind the CS #1 to counter-assault as necessary or to guard the CS #2. He'll be putting shots on transports or lightly-armored vehicles. Or if that isn't needed, those shots will go directly into infantry. Finally, we have our Land Speeder. This thing will deal with any armor the opponent has. You can also use it to fry mobs of infantry if the occasion calls for it. It is ideal for a late game objective denial.
So we have plenty of AT in the form of 1 TL-Lascannon, 1 normal Lascannon, 1 Plasmagun, 1 Tank-Hunter Assault Cannon, 2 Missile Launchers, and 1 Meltagun. All five units can deal with vehicles in some fashion. We also have AI in every squad. Balance and duality!
For your pleasure, I also have another list that I cooked up for you more CC-oriented guys out there. It has much less AT than the first list, but it should be sufficient for the points level. Enjoy! :D
Escalation League List (750 points) #2:
* Emperor's Champion w/ AAC. [140]
* Venerable Dreadnought w/ Assault Cannon, Storm Bolter, Extra Armor, and Tank-Hunters. [140]
* Crusader Squad #1 (5 Initiates; 2 Neophytes) w/ 1 Power Fist and 1 Meltagun. Mounted in a Rhino w/ Extra Armor and Smoke Launchers. [183]
* Crusader Squad #2 (7 Initiates; 2 Neophytes) w/ 1 Power Fist and 1 Meltagun. Mounted in a Rhino w/ Extra Armor and Smoke Launchers. [215]
* Land Speeder w/ Heavy Bolter and Typhoon Missile Launchers. [70]
Total: [748]