So that is what makes this interesting for me. As I mentioned in a previous post, my local store started up an Escalation League to get some new players into the game and/or get people buying new armies. So far, its sounds like its working for them. Last week was the first games played and I guess they are increasing the point totals by 100 points each month. So a relatively tame amount. Well, I don't think I'll have enough of my Dark Eldar stuff assembled by then or else I'd take them. Need motivation to get them painted (mini-rant later) anyway. This will also make the army building process relatively "cheap" (as its spread over time) and will keep me from making purchases of Necrons, which I've had to prevent myself from doing several times now.
Anyway, there aren't really any rules for the Escalation League other than the basic 1 HQ and 2 Troops. Nothing real fancy with the missions, just roll out of the book. Terrain can be a little sketchy, as there are quite a few people sharing it...but with 500 points, I can live with that. So here it is.
* Emperor's Champion w/ AAC. [140]
* Crusader Squad (6 Initiates, 1 Neophyte) w/ 5 BP & CCWs, Meltagun, and Powerfist. Mounted in a Rhino w/ Extra Armor and Smoke Launchers. [189]
* Crusader Squad (5 Initiates) w/ 3 Bolters, Plasmagun, and Lascannon. [101]
* Land Speeder Typhoon. [70]
TOTAL: [500]
The list is pretty basic. Two units that provide the firepower and one close combat unit. At this points level, there really isn't much on the board as far as vehicles. Maybe a Chimera/Raider/Rhino or two. That should be enough for whatever shooting I need. If an emergency comes up, I have the meltagun. The Emperor's Champion should be able to handle almost all the threats in close combat, but just in case, I'm giving his squad a power fist. There was a Nid player there last week, so I'll be prepared for him. :P
I'll also have a home objective squad, which will be pretty hard to dislodge at 500 points. Provided I don't fall back randomly due to Righteous Zeal. Should be fun. :D
If I take the Dark Eldar, this will be the list they'll be using. Or rather, what I'll be using.
* Haemonculus w/ Shattershard. [65]
* Incubi (5) w/ Klaive. Mounted in a Raider w/ Flickerfields. [180]
* Kabalite Warriors (5) w/ Blaster and 4 Splinter Rifles. Mounted in a Venom w/ 2 Splinter Cannons. [125]
* Wracks (5) w/ Liquifier Gun and Dual-Poison weapons. Mounted in a Raider w/ Flickerfields. [130]
TOTAL: [500]
The Haemonculus will ride with the Incubi to give them FNP and then they'll run off to play in CC. The rest of the list just does what it does best, shoot and survive. Not a huge amount of AT firepower, but again, there isn't a whole lot out there at 500 points. But I do have plenty of AI. If I don't finish the army by the time they increase the points level (to 600 points), I'll simply drop the Shattershard and add a Ravager with Flickerfields. :)
Which brings me to my mini-rant. I...hate...the new resin finecast models. They are a huge pain in the ass to remove from the sprues due to the flashing, cleaning mold lines is tedious, and super-gluing them together is annoying at best. Took about 30 minutes to properly put together and clean my Haemonculus tonight. I'm not a fan. Give me them in good old fashioned plastic. Not looking forward to assembling those Wracks. At least they are in one piece...I think. *grumbles*