Moral of the story: I couldn't have done it without every one of you that reads this website. You've given me the drive and motivation to keep everything going, as well as keeping this website constantly updated. I know at times there has been lulls in activity for various reasons, but everyone has always been supportive and continued to check for new updates. And for those who have been promoting IN, my thanks goes to you. You guys even donated your hard-earned money to send me to Nova Open this year and I won't forget the gesture. I was blown away by the support I received and I truly thankful for all of it.
My goal has never been to be a huge monopolizing source of information on Black Templars, but rather, a place where people can gather to voice their opinions on competitive BT. I've done everything in my ability to teach what I know about this aspect of the game, using our out-dated codex, to those that care to read about it. My quest to help new players get a better grip on what they are jumping into has been more successful than I could have ever imagined.
To those I have met or spent significant time in email with, thank you. Every one of you has been great and I hope to continue that relationship well into the future. I look forward to meeting even more of you as time goes on. Without you guys, there is no Implausible Nature. I'll continue to do my best providing the quality that all of you have come to expect. For the Emperor!