First order of business: This month's updates should be finished tomorrow evening. I have the DE codex review going in a Word doc that needs to be transferred, as well as a closer look at my Mechanized BT army. The DE vs BT article was finished some time ago, but I forgot to mention it. You can find that on the same page as the previous one, below the list comparison article.
Second, and possibly more important, as I mentioned in a previous blog post, Bigdunc allowed me to use his Black Templars Unit Guide here on Implausible Nature. I've now gotten those put up on the website and if you're a new player, I strongly encourage you to read them. You can find the index page for these articles here. There will be future additions as Bigdunc writes them up. ;)
Lastly, I'm going to start playing significantly more games soon to get into the Nova Open mindset. That means I'll be playing my BT Gunline army nearly exclusively, so I can ensure I know everything there is to know about the list and how to use it. Not that I don't already know (considering I've played dozens of games with it), but more practice can never hurt. I really do want to place well at Nova to prove the Black Templars worth. That would really rock the boat for quite a few competitive players. And maybe bring a few new players our (Black Templars) way. Mike Brandt (MVB -- Tournament Organizer of Nova Open) has dubbed me Mr BT. I find it humorous. However, for such a flavorful army, I find it shameful that there was only one player that brought Black Templars to Nova Open 2010 (going to do an analysis on his list soon). While there are more balanced codices out there, we are plenty competitive and I plan to do my best to prove it. :D