On the other hand, it does reinforce my opinion that both Kirby and Stelek aren't 100% on how the Black Templars army works now, nor how it ran pre-FAQ. Don't get me wrong, both provide excellent analysis and tactical information in relation to the BT, but neither can be held as authorities on the army. So take their advice as it is, advice. Fortunately, in Kirby's case, he has an excellent resource in Brother Loring to assist him. :)
Which brings me to my next minor qualm: the commonly held opinion that pre-FAQ, the Black Templars were terrible. This drives me nuts. I would gladly take my pre-FAQ competitive BT armies against anything they would put on the board and give them a damn challenging game. I might lose, but my opponent will have to work real hard for it. That opinion simply is not true. I think all of these 5th Edition codices have people spoiled. Players simply seem to not have the ability to think critically and create optimized lists out of sub-optimal codices anymore. Go back a year and a half, and this wasn't the case. :/
Anyway, here is what has been updated thus far on Implausible Nature:
- Updated my BT Gunline and Defensive Drop Pod lists.
- Updated the BT 101: Building Competitive 5th Edition Lists articles (i.e. Gunline/Drop Pods).
- Updated the Black Templars codex review.
- Updated the generic "How To" tactica on BT Drop Pods. Note: this is not the same one as the Defensive Drop Pod "How To" article (that's coming).
- Review the BT 101 guide and update any information relevant to the new FAQ.
- Update my comments on both Bigdunc and Marshal Wilhelm's unit analysis articles.
- Review the Defensive Drop Pod "How To" article to ensure it has accurate army lists and tactical information.
- Touch up my Mechanized All-Comers list and the respective articles in the BT 101 guide.
- Finish off this month's updates: DE codex review and the "How To" on my Mechanized All-Comers list.
So I figure I have two options. First, I continue as planned on the 21st with the allotted remaining time and do the best I can in the project. Or I can postpone the project until February 1st and restart the whole thing, considering I've got an entirely new army list to paint up. This would allow me time to buy the necessary missing pieces and assemble them. Let me know what you think and I'll decide what to do based on that. Thanks in advance! :)