In addition, I want to finish assembling these wonderful new Dark Eldar miniatures that I have. I've almost finished assembling the first Warrior squad (10-man Dark Lance unit), but I have another one waiting, along with their Raider transports. Before I buy anymore DE minis, I want to get these painted up so I don't have the problem I currently have with my BT: unpainted models galore. I'm thinking that I'm going to have to set up an official "painting day" and see if some of my friends want to join me for the festivities. I'm still not fully decided on my paint scheme yet. I did up a test mini to see how my scheme looked and it looks nice enough, but looks a bit cliche. I'm looking to get away from the whole "black" thing for the Dark Eldar if I can. With that being said, I don't want an ostentatious looking army either. Either way, I'll get pictures of the test figure up shortly.
Last, but not least, I must apologize. I've not been 100% through with my updates the past couple months. With the last of my classes taking up much more of my time than anticipated, I have been forced to be slim on detail or simply not finish some of the updates. As such, I am going to push back most of my scheduled updates for December to January, but possibly longer. With the rest of the December, I plan on getting myself caught up on emails (AbortedSoul, you're on the list) and updates that were not finished. Unfortunately, some of the issue is due to lack of motivation to write long articles after spending so much time writing for homework, essays, or exams. But with the end of my classes in sight, I can start to refocus some of my attention to the unfinished and neglected sections of Implausible Nature.
If something pressing comes along that I want to talk about, I will of course, include it here on Implausible Nature. One such article is the "Big Three" tactica discussion of my current Top 3 BT armies (Gunline, Defensive Drop Pod, Balanced Mech). Of those three, I plan on highlighting the Defensive Drop Pod list next month and doing the others in later updates.