* "Castellan" w/ Thunderhammer, Storm Shield, Artificer Armor, and Bike. [185]
~ Command Squad (1x Apothecary, 4x Veterans) w/ 3 Powerfists, 4 Storm Shields, 3 Grav-guns, and Bikes. [310]
* Culexus Assassin {Allied Detachment}. [140]
* Neophyte Squad (1x Veteran Sergeant and 4x Neophytes) w/ 1 Power Maul and Melta Bombs. Mounted in a Land Speeder Storm w/ Multi-Melta. [140]
* Neophyte Squad (1x Veteran Sergeant and 4x Neophytes) w/ 1 Power Maul and Melta Bombs. Mounted in a Land Speeder Storm w/ Multi-Melta. [140]
* Neophyte Squad (1x Veteran Sergeant and 4x Neophytes) w/ 1 Power Maul and Melta Bombs. Mounted in a Land Speeder Storm w/ Multi-Melta. [140]
* Neophyte Squad (1x Veteran Sergeant and 4x Neophytes) w/ 1 Power Maul and Melta Bombs. Mounted in a Land Speeder Storm w/ Multi-Melta. [140]
* Neophyte Squad (1x Veteran Sergeant and 4x Neophytes) w/ 1 Power Maul and Melta Bombs. Mounted in a Land Speeder Storm w/ Multi-Melta. [140]
* Neophyte Squad (1x Veteran Sergeant and 4x Neophytes) w/ 1 Power Maul and Melta Bombs. Mounted in a Land Speeder Storm w/ Multi-Melta. [140]
* Stormtalon Gunship w/ TL-Assault Cannon and Skyhammer Missile Launcher. [125]
* Stormtalon Gunship w/ TL-Assault Cannon and Skyhammer Missile Launcher. [125]
* Stormtalon Gunship w/ TL-Assault Cannon and Skyhammer Missile Launcher. [125]
Total Points: [1850]
So what do you see here? A helluva fast, hard hitting army. You may be thinking to yourself...why not just go all bikes? That's too points intensive and not enough models on the board. Besides, that's old and reused. The White Scars do it better than the Black Templar anyway. We're taking a page out of the DDP here. This list is surgical. Quick hits and then tactical retreat to pick the new target. First, we start with one of the best units in the codex: The Stormtalon Gunship. These guys are nasty, with a whole lot of firepower for a very cheap price. They act as anti-air, anti-tank, and anti-infantry all in one. Awesome duality. And as a flyer themselves, extremely fast.
There is a lot more funsies in this list, so let's continue. All of the Neophyte squads are dangerous in close combat (especially in challenges) and can easily take out vehicles. Their transports (LSS) are fitted to remove vehicles, plus shell out blind with their Cerberus Launchers. Bonus points for the Jamming Beacons they are all carrying. The Captain-led Command Squad are the huge close combat beasts, but also shell out tons of firepower with their Grav-guns. They are a huge threat to your opponent, so they will take a lot of the attention. They are capable of going toe-to-toe with rock units if necessary or eliminate hard solo-targets (MCs). So all of our units can perform in close combat, our calling card. Why stop there though? Why not add one more unit, who is an enormous threat by himself? The cherry on top is the Culexus Assassin. Whatever psychic powers that Ada. Will doesn't take care of, this guy will. He is ridiculous in so many ways.
This list is about striking fast and dictating the terms of the battle. Just like the DDP does. Except this list does it with more "Oomph!" and less manipulation. Which, in its own way, is an enticing change. The army can eliminate the threats or vulnerable units as necessary, while completing mission objectives at your leisure. If outnumbered or outmatched, you have the speed to get away or avoid. With that being said, against dedicated gunline lists, this list is fragile. Its not going to stand up long against Tau gunlines, unless you play it smart. You have to use your Scout moves, infiltrating assassin, and blind from the LSS. If you can get into combat early, the game is won. Deployment is key. Nevertheless, the army is balanced with a twist. And I love it!