- Auto Bolt rifles confirmed at Assault 3
- Combat Doctrines are part of Angels of Death rule and only Servitors don't get it.
- Reivers 16 points
- many vigilus stratagems are in the book. Intercessor veterans 1 CP for 5 dudes, 2 CP for more, +1 attack +1 Ld
- Boltstorm 2 CP auto bolt rifles autohit at half range
-Target Sighted 2 CP target characters, cause MW on to wound 6 stalker bolt rifles
- Rapid Fire 2 CP bolt rifles become rapid fire 2
- Tactical flexibility: there must be a character on the board, at the start of the turn, but you can change the current doctrine 1 CP
Chaplain litanies. Everyone knows Liteanies of hate and they can selec 1 from the below sic. HAs to chant it at the start of the turn, inspires on a 3+
- Mantra of Strength: +1S +1A +1dmg to the chaplain
- Litany of Faith: 5+ FnP in 6"
- Catechism of Fire: unit in 6"-es gets +1 to wound if they are attacking closest enemy unit
- Exaltation of Rage: extra attack on 6+ to hit in melee
- Canticle of hate: +2 charge range in 6"
- forgott he name of it: +1 to hit for shooting
So a couple things stick out to me that is not on this list. First, pretty much all of the special characters and units that are unique to a specific chapter are out of the new codex. Based on the Ultramarine and White Scars supplements, its safe to assume that High Marshal Helbrecht, High Chaplain Grimaldus, the Crusader Squad, and Cenobyte Servitors will be in a supplement that contains additional Black Templars rules; whether that means a standalone supplement or a "Sons of Dorn" supplement, remains to be seen.
Another thing that is huge is that Drop Pods are immune to the deployment restrictions of reserves and can drop in on turn one. The Defensive Drop Pod list is back! This is HUGE for the Black Templars, especially with our CT's. I cannot tell you how excited I am for this, as well as point discounts for units like Reivers. Its going to be great. By the way, the stratagem to switch doctrines prematurely is confirmed at 1CP as long as there is an HQ on the board when you use it.
Then you get to another fun and new thing in the codex: Chaplain litanies. You can see the list above. These things are game changers and quickly compete with Captain re-rolls of 1 to hit. There are a few that are especially good for us: +1 to wound (if attacking closest enemy unit), exploding 6's to hit in close combat, and +2" to charge range. Now the important thing to note here is that these are effective at the start of the turn and will become effective on a 3+ on a D6. They also only have a 6" range, but from the sounds of it, different chaplains can have different litanies. Drop a couple of chaplains in the middle of two larger crusader squads (when we get them back) and pop their litanies. Combine that with our other buffs and we have insanely deadly troops units. And they will likely get a points reduction as well, if they follow the points reduction of standard tactical marines in the space marine codex.
We have great things coming! Exciting times!