Well, I got to thinking about it when Stelek and Kirby wrote articles about the subject. In Kirby's case, he took a pretty good list and lost horribly against a terrible archetype: footdar. So it got me thinking. If I faced my list's real disadvantage, would I be able to beat it? I know it'd be difficult, but I could win the battle. However, optimistically, it'd be 50% of the time. Which isn't great odds.
I've noticed a trend in lists, and I'm even guilty of it. It seems that most people are over-compensating for vehicle saturation in their lists. While that is good if you actually face lots of vehicles, it isn't if you're playing against a highly foot-based infantry army.
So without changing the fundamental list, I looked for ways to deal with the threat of infantry based armies (specifically horde based). The only real way that I found I could do without losing too much in the list was to change the plasmaguns in the Crusader Squads, to Flamers.
Now, I would lose a little bit of AT firepower, which could be bad against Marine or Guard armies. But when considering the pros and cons of each, I feel that the Flamers would help cover a deficiency in my list with little loss in effectiveness or changing of tactics.
Because this site is used more as a teaching tool, I would like if you'd give me what you think the pros and cons for each setup (plasma vs flamer) are. Then tell me which one you'd pick from your objective perspective. Note: I know what my list of pros and cons are, but I'm looking forward to seeing how people think. :D
Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing what you think about the potential change, then I'll pipe in with my cost/benefit analysis. But more than anything, I just want your opinions whether or you think it is a change worth making. ;)