* Archon w/ Blaster, Agonizer, Shadowfield, and Phantasm Grenade Launcher. [150]
* Haemonculus (1x) w/ Venom Blade. [50]
* Incubi (7x) w/ Klavex. Mounted in a Raider w/ Flickerfield. [224]
* Kabalite Trueborn (3x) w/ 3x Blasters. Mounted in a Venom w/ 2x Splinter Cannons. [146]
* Kabalite Trueborn (3x) w/ 3x Blasters. Mounted in a Venom w/ 2x Splinter Cannons. [146]
* Wracks (5x) w/ 1x Liquifier. Mounted in a Raider. [120]
* Wracks (5x) w/ 1x Liquifier. Mounted in a Raider. [120]
* Wracks (5x) w/ 1x Liquifier. Mounted in a Raider. [120]
* Wracks (5x) w/ 1x Liquifier. Mounted in a Raider. [120]
* Wracks (5x) w/ 1x Liquifier. Mounted in a Raider. [120]
* Wracks (5x) w/ 1x Liquifier. Mounted in a Raider. [120]
* Beast Master Pack (5x Beast Masters) w/ 5x Khymera; 1x Clawed Fiend; 6x Razorwing Flock. [245]
* Ravager w/ 3x Dark Lances. [105]
* Ravager w/ 3x Dark Lances. [105]
* Ravager w/ 3x Dark Lances. [105]
TOTAL: [1996]
This list is sorta based off of MVBrandt's Dark Eldar list found here. Unfortunately for him, however, the Haemonculus doesn't confer their Power from Pain points to the beasts so he doesn't need them for that purpose. Between the Khymera's 4+ invulnerable saves and the multiple wounds on the Clawed Fiend, the pack should be durable enough to reach combat and once there, decimate all. A perfectly healthy squad can put out 68 attacks on the charge, with 36 of those being rending and at initiate 5. Can you say yikes?
Added to that, we have the Archon-led Incubi squad in a Raider. The Haemonculus will start the game here to give away his PfP point, then quickly peel off to join one of the Wrack squads. This will give the Incubi some durability via "Feel No Pain". In addition, the Archon will be taking Phantasm Grenade Launchers to provide both assault and defensive grenades to the unit so they can knock out units in cover. These guys pack a punch in close combat (26 power weapon attacks at initiative 5 or higher), but don't have much use if your opponent can avoid them.
The firepower contingent isn't nearly as strong as my last list, but you still see a couple of Venoms in the list. They'll be carrying three blaster squads to help punch holes in transports. You'll also find similar AT firepower from the Raiders and Ravagers in the list.
Lastly, the Wrack units. Like MVBrandt mentioned, they are essentially cheaper Space Marines with FNP (if placed in cover) and a Liquifier. These are the guys that will hold the objectives and attack anything coming too close. With the variable AP template weapon (Liquifier), you have a decent shot at killing a bunch of models prior to the charge.
You have two very strong and durable assault units in the Beast Master pack and Archon-led Incubi squads. Then you have plenty of AT fire between the Raiders, Ravagers, and Trueborn blasters. Finally, you have a reasonable amount of AI firepower from the Venom's dual-Splinter Cannons, the Beast Master's Splinter Pods, and the Wracks Liquifiers. 16 Dark Lances, 7 Blasters, 4 Splinter Cannons, and 6 Liquifiers. Go get 'em! :D