Shortly after I made my comments in the thread, P made his reply, and it started off so great. He provided his opinions based on his experiences. Then he attacked me. Fortunately, I got a screen-shot before he edited his post to a slightly nicer version.
My priority in the 40k hobby is, first and foremost, to have fun. If I didn't, I'd not be here. Yes, I try my best to win. Do I need to win? No. I love a hard fought battle, but I won't get all bent out of shape if I lose. And I certainly do not go out of my way to crush new players, simply out of the desire to win. In fact, I spend a great deal of time teaching players how to become better. What do you think the whole point of this website is for?!?
Don't stick me in the stereotype when you obviously have spent zero time trying to understand my motives. If you don't like what I say here, or don't agree with it, that's fine. I don't force my ideas down people's throats. Simply walk away. I have no "agenda" other than my desire to teach people. I gain nothing for doing this, other than the satisfaction of knowing I helped someone out. There is no money, no real power, no stampeding herds of beautiful women. I run Implausible Nature because I enjoy helping others. That's it.
To me, it seems like you are the one who is afraid to step outside of the box. I have never criticized someone's desire to build armies based on the BT background (or their armies period). Ever. I am perfectly happy to see players using armies simply because they enjoy how they look on the battlefield. I totally respect that. When I object, it is when some of those players tell me that these armies are competitive and fine-tuned tournament lists. At that point, I have to show why they are not (though some are), as that is part of the mission statement of Implausible Nature. It is not me attacking those players in any way, shape, or form.
In addition, I have never stated that I refuse to play "fluffy" armies. I have SEVERAL listed here on the website. What do you want from me? I really frustrates me that because I have a single gunline army, everyone focuses on that, and paints me as some bad guy.
What. The. Hell. Is. That?
Is that what we want to be teaching new players in the game? Come on now. Grow up. Things like these are derisive to the hobby. Learn to see things from other players prospective. I respect my fellow gamers, no matter where their play-style lies. I expect the same from others.