But what does that mean Laeroth?!?! Well, I'll tell you. Blogging! Whoo! I'm sure a lot of you are happy to hear that. Competitive blogging will definitely happen, but its going to be a little bit. I have been out of the game for a while and I need to catch up on the new codices, update my army lists, get games in, etc. However, there is a caveat to that. I will not touch Escalation with a ten-foot pole. Imperial Knights? Okay. I'm willing to budge on that, since they aren't exactly invincible. But all of the other stuff is out. Essentially, I'll be following the FAQ's of the major GT's around the country (primarily Nova Open) and adjust my list building/analysis as needed.
With that being said, to start out with, my blogging is going to be mostly hobby-related to start off with. I have models to paint and a willing significant other to join me in my efforts! For those of you on Bolter and Chainsword, that means ETL vows! Plus, while its second-hand from a family member, I am now in the possession of my first airbrush! I'm very excited to learn how to use it. :D
Also, as you all may have heard, rumors are exploding all over the place about 7th Edition being right around the corner...so guess what? No BT 101 until that is released. Sorry about missing the whole entire 6th Edition and not updating it. But hey, life happens right? Can't control the Warp. Only rectify the issue once free of it! However, it seems to me (looking at recent successful GT armies)...mechanized lists are doing well again. I have a laugh a little bit, because I totally called that when 6th Edition came out.
*Strokes ego a little bit*
Anyway, I'll go report to my chaplains for penance for that comment now... May the Emperor's Light guide you!