Before we start, the usual stipulation is in effect here: building this army is completely reliant on you having money to acquire the drop pods. That isn't cheap. You'll need quite a few of them (at least 9). Otherwise, this army is pretty fluffy for those who find great importance in that. I also highly recommend you read Devjon's article on our drop pods before you begin, because I'll be taking parts of what he says and implementing it into my list. I also will be making some assumptions with this article. A) You are familiar with the current FAQs and what they say in regards to our drop pods and B) the points and weaponry options for the units in the new "Death From the Skies" supplement (released Feb 16th) are similar to those in the BA/GK codices. Lastly, you'll start to notice that my lists are going to 1850 points. This is primarily due to the change in points for the biggest tournaments around the country. No use in building lists for a points level that I'll never play at.
Now onto the meat of things. Our drop pods changed a little bit with the new edition. We got forcefully updated to the newest version of Drop Pod Assault, so half of our pods need to come down on the first turn. A little bit of a change and it does change how the list works a little bit. Previously, time was the biggest ally for the Black Templars, as if your drop pods don't come down, you could not be hurt. It also gave you a reasonable amount of control over the board and you could use the drop pods that DID come down to manipulate what your opponent did via blocking and destroying key parts of their army. The disadvantage was that you never knew which portion of your force would come out of reserves at what point. So you could potentially get your more vulnerable units rather than the distraction force. I'll get more detailed with this when I updated my "How to play the DDP" article.
Post-6th Edition FAQ, you have to deploy half of your units on the first turn, but you get to pick which units. So if you were paying attention, that means you can bring out your distraction force right off the bat and throw them into your opponent's face right away. That is brutal. However, you expose those forces to the full firepower in your opponent's list. It is a big risk, but as I noted in 5th Edition, we use these forces to manipulate your opponent and keep them from advancing forward. This works well against everyone not named Grey Knight Strike Squad. Also important to note was that one of the biggest weaknesses of BT drop pod armies was the lack of flyer defense. We could get it via allies, of course. But they don't really fit the list and it would hurt it, rather than help it. With the coming release of "Death From the Skies", we'll get access to the Stormraven. This helps immensely with that problem. Thus, we'll build the list assuming we have access to it at those points levels.
We need to leverage those strengths and adjust the DDP list. So you've got your drop pods and are ready to roll! Where do we start? The most obvious place is the troops and HQ slots, as those are the required things in the list. However, you already know that you're going to be taking a high amount of drop pods, as that is the whole definition of the list. So I'm going the other route first, the Elites slot. Build backwards and then come back with the points that are remaining to fill out the HQ/Troops. There are a couple things you can do here and I'll explain them both. Obviously, we need to make sure that we have units that use drop pods. The Techmarine isn't an option, nor are terminators any longer thanks to the BT FAQ. But that's okay, the key is redundancy and low cost units. Terminators don't exactly fit those parameters. So that leaves the power armor Sword Brethren and Dreadnoughts. Both have their pros and cons.
To start, Sword Brethren give you an infantry option in this elites slot. Being infantry has its obvious advantage, primarily being able to absorb wounds via armor saves and the ability to keep firing when casualties are taken. Infantry is also easier to give cover saves to and can contest objectives. However, while they do get armor saves, these small squads aren't exactly hard to kill. They can be equipped in a variety of ways, much like our Crusader squads can be. Specials in a drop pod list should either be a meltagun for tank busting or a plasmagun for anti-infantry and some AT potential. With the meta going largely towards tough and/or large infantry blocks (typically MEQ/TEQ) in 6th Edition, I like to swing towards the plasmagun. It won't kill vehicles nearly as well, but it fires twice as much and kills pretty much anything else without a cover/invulnerable save easily. That leaves you with a heavy weapon choice. Multi-Melta is a good choice here, especially if you went with a Plasmagun, but remember you'll be snap-firing the turn you drop. You can also go with a Missile Launcher if you so desire some longer range firepower. Likewise, if you opted for the meltagun (or even the plasmagun really), the Plasma Cannon will have some good mileage in this edition. However, remember that you cannot snap fire blast weaponry. If I were to take this squad, I'd go with the MM/Plasmagun route. As a note, I'd be taking that same setup for my Crusader squads.
The other elites slot option is the Dreadnought. One of the main advantages of taking one of these is that it has a "heavier" weapon set than infantry. In addition, they are able to move and fire. They are also pretty defensible against a large variety of weapons with their AV12 and will be next to impossible to take down in close combat unless your opponent has a high strength weapon (e.g. power fist). That leaves you able to slowly wittle that squad down to nothing with your Dreadnought Close Combat weapon. Unfortunately, because its a vehicle, anti-tank weaponry will make quick work of it so you're required to have multiples of this unit for redundancy. They are also not able to contest objectives, by virtue of being a vehicle. Standard weaponry is the Assault Cannon and Storm Bolter. There are a couple of long range upgrades here, but because we're going to be dropping relatively close to our enemies, they aren't the best in this particular list. So that leaves the MM and Heavy Flamer as the other weaponry options. You can upgrade that AC to a MM if you so desire, but you should definitely upgrade the storm bolter. That weapon is pretty much worthless unless taken in mass, but a heavy flamer is useful against infantry and potentially against vehicles as well. However, with only slightly more than a 66% chance to hit with the MM, I'll take my chances with the Assault Cannon. Its more well rounded against both vehicles and infantry anyway. So AC and HF it is then! Extra armor is an option here, but with the introduction of hull points, I don't think it'll much matter.
So we have two options for elites, but I'll save which one I pick until a little later. Next up, is our Flyer. While this support slot was originally used by a trio of Land Speeder Typhoons, it is now a Stormraven courtesy of GW's newest supplement, Death From the Skies. We don't know the points limit on these, so we're just going to have to assume that its about the same price as the BA/GK equivalent. However, the rumors say that this supplement is UPDATING the rules for this unit, rather than simply giving it to the Black Templars and Codex Space Marines. So we could see a points increase/decrease here. We also don't know what type of missiles will be put on this version, so we'll just pretend they aren't crappy, but won't figure them into the analysis much. As most tournaments count flyers towards mission goals for objectives (i.e. Heavy Metal/Fast Recon), it doesn't matter which slot they are in. They'll fit right into our list perfectly by being forced to stay in reserves.
The only real conversation that needs to happen here is whether or not you want your flyer to be devoted to anti-flyer defense, or a mix? I opt for a mix, so my armaments are chosen with that in mind. For me, the heavy bolter needs to go. Period. If we had Psy-ammo, then that'd not be the case. But I digress. The only question is whether you want to take the TL-MM or the Typhoon Missile Launcher. Obviously, the missile launcher has longer range and more shots. But due to the twin-linked nature of the MM, you essentially get the same thing against vehicles. Plus, the speed of flyers ensures you'll likely be in range of whatever you want to hit anyway. The biggest deciding factor, however, is the extra cost of the TML. If we're going by the previous versions, its a whopping 25 extra points while the TL-MM is a free upgrade. I'll take the TL-MM, thanks. Then we have the standard option of a TL-Assault Cannon, with upgrades being TL-Plasma Cannons and TL-Lascannons. Both are free upgrades. However, Plasma Cannons are terrible against vehicles so those are out. So the debate is against the TL-Lascannon. They about the same chance of offing a vehicle, but the TL-Assault Cannon has bigger damage potential upside. It is also better against infantry, so we'll stick with it in this situation. Then we have some other minor upgrades, but they tend to be pretty expensive. However, since I want my flyer to be as distracting as possible, the Hurricane Bolters should be a consideration. Again, they aren't as good as the Psy-ammo version, but they still give the SR some additional AI firepower. That'll be even more important when fighting horde infantry. 30 points is pretty hefty, but I think in the end, if we can spare the points we should.
Okay, so we have the frame-work for both the Elites and FA/HS slots set. Let's look at the troops now. As I mentioned earlier in the article, I'm going with the MM/Plas setup for these guys. While the Plasma Cannon is really tempting, it would limit my AT dramatically. Plus, I need something to deal with AV14. In my previous version of the DDP, I opted for 6 5-man squads. Their protection was the drop pod itself, as well as their redundancy. However, with so many lists using low AP/torrent weapons, we really need to put some meat into these squads if we expect them to survive. One squad will be have the Emperor's Champion riding along, but that doesn't help a whole lot in the scheme of things. We could add initiates to each squad, but really, they don't add much to the squad. So neophytes are the way to go. Initially, I was going to give them BP/CCWs to defend marginally against assault, but really...if one of these squads get's charged, its dying. So all my eggs are going into putting as many ranged shots out there as possible. So say hello to shotguns. The amount of neophytes in the squad will depend on the points, but I'm inclined to say no fewer than 2 per squad. This will give the squad a little bit more in the way of wounds before it crumbles. It also helps bulk up our numbers for points purposes (i.e. objectives/table quarters). Adding more bodies to our squads is something we're just going to have to deal with as a fact of life in competitive 6th Edition.
So that leaves our HQ slot. In my previous edition of the list, we used two naked castellan to lead Command squads into battle. With the importance of Warlords in our list, I don't think we can manage such a thing anymore. Besides which, we have to cut 150 points off of the original list, so the first place to cut is that 2nd Command squad. Obviously, we'll still want one. Marshal is the way to go now, with how many boots are on the ground. LD10 will help prevent untimely fall backs. Instead of the meltaguns that we employed in 5th Edition, we're going to switch those out for plasmaguns for the same reason as the other infantry. Dual plasma will take cause a present a huge threat to my opponent, which is exactly what the DDP needs. Toss in the Apothecary for some FNP action and the squad will round out nicely. However, what do we give the Marshal? Initially, I was inclined to give him a Combi-plasma to help out with the initial killing. But the more I thought about it, I wanted some durability for both the squad and the Marshal (who is the Warlord!). That means a storm shield. Now I could stop there and simply go for the shooting route like everything else in my army, but I know tactics and I know the best way to prevent dual-plasma from shooting is to charge it! And if that happened, I had nothing to stop my opponent from running over the squad and/or tarpitting it. So I needed a power weapon -- an axe. To go with the theme, I think I'll take counter-attack to give me a little bit of a threat in that respect. If I want to add a little something to the squad's Alpha Strike, there is always the Holy Orb of Antioch. Realistically, it might even be better than a Combi-Bolter anyway.
So the foundation of the list is done, so what does it look like? And with all of those options above, what route did I decide to go? Take a look below. :)
* Marshal w/ Power Axe, Storm Shield, Holy Orb of Antioch, Artificer Armor, Krak Grenades, and Counter-Attack; 3 Command Squad Initiates w/ 2 Plasmaguns, 1 Bolter, and Counter-Attack; 1 Apothecary w/ 1 Bolter, Narthecium, and Counter-Attack; 1 Sergeant w/ 1 Bolter and Counter-Attack. Mounted in a Drop Pod. [305]
* Emperor's Champion w/ Black Sword, Bolt Pistol, Armor of Faith, Frag Grenades, and the Vow: "Abhor the Witch, Destroy the Witch." [110]
* Dreadnought w/ Assault Cannon and Heavy Flamer. Mounted in a Drop Pod. [145]
* Dreadnought w/ Assault Cannon and Heavy Flamer. Mounted in a Drop Pod. [145]
* Dreadnought w/ Assault Cannon and Heavy Flamer. Mounted in a Drop Pod. [145]
* Crusader Squad: 5 Initiates w/ 3 Bolters, 1 Multi-Melta, and 1 Plasmagun; 2 Neophytes w/ 2 Shotguns. Mounted in a Drop Pod. [146]
* Crusader Squad: 5 Initiates w/ 3 Bolters, 1 Multi-Melta, and 1 Plasmagun; 3 Neophytes w/ 3 Shotguns. Mounted in a Drop Pod. [156]
* Crusader Squad: 5 Initiates w/ 3 Bolters, 1 Multi-Melta, and 1 Plasmagun; 3 Neophytes w/ 3 Shotguns. Mounted in a Drop Pod. [156]
* Crusader Squad: 5 Initiates w/ 3 Bolters, 1 Multi-Melta, and 1 Plasmagun; 3 Neophytes w/ 3 Shotguns. Mounted in a Drop Pod. [156]
* Crusader Squad: 5 Initiates w/ 3 Bolters, 1 Multi-Melta, and 1 Plasmagun; 3 Neophytes w/ 3 Shotguns. Mounted in a Drop Pod. [156]
Heavy Support:
* Stormraven w/ TL-Assault Cannons, TL-Multi Melta, and Hurricane Bolters. [230]
Total Points: [1850]
First off, its again important to repeat that the points for the Stormraven are based off the Blood Angels version. It could very well be more expensive, or even possibly cheaper. We won't know until the 16th. If there is a point discrepancy, I'll fix it. Shouldn't be too difficult. If you want to build a 2k point list off of this core, the simple fix would be to add in another 146 point Crusader squad to fill out your troops. However, ideally, you'd want to try to squeeze in another Command squad. But I'm not sure the points are available with the Stormraven in the list (could take off the Hurricane Bolters...?). I do have an updated 2k DDP list that makes use of if you're interested in that, I can post it up. Its not important right now though.
So what do we have in the list? Total weapons array include 4 Assault Cannons (1 TL), 6 Multi-Meltas (1 TL), 7 Plasmaguns, and 3 Heavy Flamers. We also have 46 bodies, 3 Dreadnoughts, 1 Flyer, and 9 Drop Pod hulls. Not too bad. Just remember that this list is NOT designed to wipe your opponent off the board, but it IS designed to provide kill-point denial and wins via board manipulation. With the huge emphasis in this edition on objectives, we need to ensure we field an army that is good at claiming/denying them. And much like last edition, DDP does it very well. We're not fielding quite as many units, but that is simply due to the changes in points and the style of play that 6th Edition created. If you're unsure how to use this army, read this article I wrote for my 5th Edition DDP army. Its a little dated, but almost all of the material is still applicable.
Let me know what you think! ;)
EDIT: Just so people know what the DDP looked like in 5th Edition, here it is...
* Castellan; 3 Command Squad Initiates w/ 2 Meltaguns & 1 Bolter; 1 Apothecary w/ Bolter and Narthecium; 1 Command Squad Sergeant w/ Bolter. Mounted in a Drop Pod. [215]
* Castellan; 3 Command Squad Initiates w/ 2 Meltaguns & 1 Bolter; 1 Apothecary w/ Bolter and Narthecium; 1 Command Squad Sergeant w/ Bolter. Mounted in a Drop Pod. [215]
* Emperor's Champion w/ Black Sword, Bolt Pistol, Armor of Faith, Frag Grenades, and the Vow: "Abhor the Witch, Destroy the Witch." [110]
* Dreadnought w/ Multi-Melta, Heavy Flamer, and Extra Armor. Mounted in a Drop Pod. [160]
* Dreadnought w/ Multi-Melta, Heavy Flamer, and Extra Armor. Mounted in a Drop Pod. [160]
* Dreadnought w/ Multi-Melta, Heavy Flamer, and Extra Armor. Mounted in a Drop Pod. [160]
* Crusader Squad: 5 Initiates w/ 3 Bolters, 1 Multi-Melta & 1 Meltagun. Mounted in a Drop Pod. [130]
* Crusader Squad: 5 Initiates w/ 3 Bolters, 1 Multi-Melta & 1 Meltagun. Mounted in a Drop Pod. [130]
* Crusader Squad: 5 Initiates w/ 3 Bolters, 1 Multi-Melta & 1 Meltagun. Mounted in a Drop Pod. [130]
* Crusader Squad: 5 Initiates w/ 3 Bolters, 1 Multi-Melta & 1 Meltagun. Mounted in a Drop Pod. [130]
* Crusader Squad: 5 Initiates w/ 3 Bolters, 1 Multi-Melta & 1 Meltagun. Mounted in a Drop Pod. [130]
* Crusader Squad: 5 Initiates w/ 3 Bolters, 1 Multi-Melta & 1 Meltagun. Mounted in a Drop Pod. [130]
Fast Attack:
* Land Speeder Squadron: 1 Land Speeder w/ Heavy Bolter and Typhoon Missile Launchers. [70]
* Land Speeder Squadron: 1 Land Speeder w/ Heavy Bolter and Typhoon Missile Launchers. [70]
* Land Speeder Squadron: 1 Land Speeder w/ Heavy Bolter and Typhoon Missile Launchers. [70]
Total Points: [2000]
EDIT x2 (Updated List):
* Marshal w/ Power Axe, Storm Shield, Holy Orb of Antioch, and Krak Grenades; 3 Command Squad Initiates w/ 2 Plasmaguns, 1 Bolter, and Counter-Attack; 1 Apothecary w/ 1 Bolter, Narthecium, and Counter-Attack; 1 Sergeant w/ 1 Bolter and Counter-Attack. Mounted in a Drop Pod. [285]
* Emperor's Champion w/ Black Sword, Bolt Pistol, Armor of Faith, Frag Grenades, and the Vow: "Abhor the Witch, Destroy the Witch." [110]
* Dreadnought w/ Assault Cannon and Heavy Flamer. Mounted in a Drop Pod. [145]
* Dreadnought w/ Assault Cannon and Heavy Flamer. Mounted in a Drop Pod. [145]
* Dreadnought w/ Assault Cannon and Heavy Flamer. Mounted in a Drop Pod. [145]
* Crusader Squad: 5 Initiates w/ 3 Bolters, 1 Multi-Melta, and 1 Plasmagun; 2 Neophytes w/ 2 Shotguns. Mounted in a Drop Pod. [146]
* Crusader Squad: 5 Initiates w/ 3 Bolters, 1 Multi-Melta, and 1 Plasmagun; 3 Neophytes w/ 3 Shotguns. Mounted in a Drop Pod. [156]
* Crusader Squad: 5 Initiates w/ 3 Bolters, 1 Multi-Melta, and 1 Plasmagun; 3 Neophytes w/ 3 Shotguns. Mounted in a Drop Pod. [156]
* Crusader Squad: 5 Initiates w/ 3 Bolters, 1 Multi-Melta, and 1 Plasmagun; 3 Neophytes w/ 3 Shotguns. Mounted in a Drop Pod. [156]
* Crusader Squad: 5 Initiates w/ 3 Bolters, 1 Multi-Melta, and 1 Plasmagun; 3 Neophytes w/ 3 Shotguns. Mounted in a Drop Pod. [156]
Fast Attack:
* Stormtalon Gunship w/ TL-Assault Cannon and Skyhammer Missile Launcher. [125]
* Stormtalon Gunship w/ TL-Assault Cannon and Skyhammer Missile Launcher. [125]
Total Points: [1850]
It is of note that I changed the Stormraven out for two Stormtalon Gunships. Why? When this article was published, I hadn't had access to the Death From the Skies rules yet, so I was making some pretty broad assumptions about things. Almost all of them turned out to be correct, but in the course of play-testing, I found the two Stormtalons to be more than sufficient for AA defense needs. They could also be delegated to AI/AT fire support if needed, with their Strafing Run rules being a boon in that respect. Ultimately, the change was made to facilitate additional redundancy in the list. While the Stormtalon lacks the pure firepower and durability that the Stormraven has, it makes up for it by having two of them rather than the one. That's 11 units on the board, instead of 10, which is critical for this type of army.