The Tyranid codex review is finally up. I sincerely apologize to those that have been waiting for it. Time has definitely been against me as I mentioned in a previous post. If I come across any specific power builds that makes some of the units better, I'll adjust the review accordingly.
Also, GW has made several changes to FAQs for 40k. The main two are for Orcs and the main rulebook. The primary change for the Orc FAQ states that when ramming a vehicle, the Deffrolla provides 1D6 Str 10 hits on the vehicle and if the vehicle explodes, the Orc vehicle continues moving. After which, the Orcs may then jump out and assault any survivors of the ramming (if it was a transport). This might be ridiculously overpowered, but the Orcs don't have much else going for them. I applaud GW for this ruling. The rulebook FAQ change answered 5 questions, but the important one states that no psychic power may ever affect a unit in a closed-top transport. I believe this will be a lead in for Doom of Malan'Tai's Spirit Leech ability, which most of the community anticipated.
I've also made some changes to the site, as veteran visitors might well discover. Many of the new pages are not currently finished, but I wanted to show them in the navigation to show the kinds of things I plan on getting up for people in the coming months. One of the first ones to be updated will be a BT battle report and a DE gallery. I will try and get some additional fluff written for both of my armies this next month, but I cannot guarantee this will happen as of yet. I do have a week off where I'm going home to visit the folks, so I'll have some free time on my hands to where I can get some stuff up.
CO7 is quickly approaching. With the deadline looming (as well as 'Ard Boys 2010), I feel I'm behind schedule on my painting. I'm going to be devoting some good chunks of time to these projects over the next month so that I can get caught up, so please don't fret if you don't see active updates in March (after the March 1st update). February 1st should have some good photos posted up, as well as a few more battle reports.
I'd also encourage you to read the "Know Thy Enemy" article series by Darwinn69 on YTTH. He has done 3 thus far ('Pure' Grey Knights, Standard Space Marines, and Ranged Mechdar) and will be continuing to write them for the foreseeab future. Excellent analysis on how to adapt your armies to beat particular enemies in 5th Edition. Go check them out.