* Marshal w/ Relic Blade, Storm Shield, and Artificer Armor. [150]
* Company Command Squad {IG Allies}: 4 Veterans w/ 3 Meltaguns, 3 Lasguns, and 4 Close Combat Weapons; 1 Company Commander w/ Laspistol, Close Combat Weapon, Refractor Field, and Frag Grenades. Mounted in a Chimera w/ Multi-Laser and Heavy Flamer. [135]
* Sword Brethren (5x Sternguard) w/ 2 Combi-Meltas and 2 Combi-Grav. Mounted in a Rhino. [195]
* Crusader Squad (1x Sword Brethren and 4x Initiates) w/ Combi-Melta, Grav-gun, and Multi-Melta. Mounted in a Rhino. [150]
* Crusader Squad (1x Sword Brethren and 4x Initiates) w/ Combi-Melta, Grav-gun, and Multi-Melta. Mounted in a Rhino. [150]
* Crusader Squad (1x Sword Brethren and 4x Initiates) w/ Combi-Melta, Grav-gun, and Multi-Melta. Mounted in a Rhino. [150]
* Veteran Squad {IG Allies}: 7 Veterans w/ 3 Plasmaguns, 6 Lasguns, 9 Close Combat Weapons, and Krak & Frag Grenades; 1 Veteran Sergeant w/ Laspistol, Close Combat Weapon, and Krak & Frag Grenades. Mounted in a Chimera w/ Multi-Laser and Heavy Flamer. [170]
* Veteran Squad {IG Allies}: 7 Veterans w/ 3 Plasmaguns, 6 Lasguns, 9 Close Combat Weapons, and Krak & Frag Grenades; 1 Veteran Sergeant w/ Laspistol, Close Combat Weapon, and Krak & Frag Grenades. Mounted in a Chimera w/ Multi-Laser and Heavy Flamer. [170]
Fast Attack:
* Storm Talon Gunship w/ TL-Assault Cannon and Skyhammer Missile Launcher. [125]
* Storm Talon Gunship w/ TL-Assault Cannon and Skyhammer Missile Launcher. [125]
* Vendetta {IG Allies} w/ 3 TL-Lascannons and Extra Armor. [130]
Heavy Support:
* Thunderfire Cannon. [100]
* Thunderfire Cannon. [100]
Total Points: [1850]
Or if you prefer the "pure" route...
* Marshal w/ Power Axe, Storm Shield, and Artificer Armor. [140]
* Sword Brethren (5x Sternguard) w/ 2 Combi-Meltas and 2 Combi-Grav. Mounted in a Rhino. [195]
* Dreadnought w/ 2 TL-Autocannons. [120]
* Dreadnought w/ 2 TL-Autocannons. [120]
* Crusader Squad (1x Sword Brethren and 4x Initiates) w/ Combi-Melta, Grav-gun, and Multi-Melta. Mounted in a Rhino. [150]
* Crusader Squad (1x Sword Brethren and 4x Initiates) w/ Combi-Melta, Grav-gun, and Multi-Melta. Mounted in a Rhino. [150]
* Crusader Squad (1x Sword Brethren and 4x Initiates) w/ Combi-Melta, Grav-gun, and Multi-Melta. Mounted in a Rhino. [150]
* Crusader Squad (1x Sword Brethren and 4x Initiates) w/ Combi-Melta, Grav-gun, and Multi-Melta. Mounted in a Rhino. [150]
* Crusader Squad (1x Sword Brethren and 4x Initiates) w/ Combi-Melta, Grav-gun, and Multi-Melta. Mounted in a Rhino. [150]
Fast Attack:
* Storm Talon Gunship w/ TL-Assault Cannon and Skyhammer Missile Launcher. [125]
Heavy Support:
* Stormraven Gunship w/ TL-Assault Cannon and TL-Multi melta. [200]
* Thunderfire Cannon. [100]
* Thunderfire Cannon. [100]
Total Points: [1850]
Yeah, yeah. I know there is no CC. Bite me. :D They are coming. Patience. :P