February 11th is the date of The Dark Star GT in Mounts View, MN. Naturally, I will be attending with the Black Templars. I do live in Minnesota after all. Why I haven't before? Good question. Probably because I didn't know about it or else I would have. That isn't the case this year. I'm hoping to have a full GT schedule this year, with a goal of at least 3 Grand Tournaments. Considering Nova Open is for SURE happening unless something terrible comes up and because I already paid the $60 to register for the Dark Star event, that is two tournaments covered. Just have to find another close one. I'm thinking either Bugeater GT or Indy Open, with a preference on the latter.
Anyway, some basics about the Dark Star event. 1850 point armies, 80 players, and no painting required. Obviously, I'll be going for the Best General (battle and sportsmanship points). But that doesn't mean I won't also go for Overall Champion. But the scores for this weighted heavily in painting, in addition to the already high sportsmanship points. So my chances in this section? Maybe not so amazing. But we'll see. I've got lots of time to prepare and paint my army for this tournament. Best part? Most of it was already finished for Nova Open, so there isn't much left to do.
Anyway, because I have a feeling we'll have a new BT codex by the time Nova Open comes around, I want to get my Tony K "Hybrid" list (one at the top) some tournament play. Obviously, it won't be able to be fielded in its entirety, as there is only 1850 points to work with. So something has to go. The decision on what that was going to be was much more difficult that I thought, but I came up with this in the end.
* Castellan w/ Lightning Claw, Storm Shield, and Frag Grenades. [106]
* Emperor's Champion w/ Black Sword, Bolt Pistol, Armor of Faith, and the Vow: "Accept Any Challenge, No Matter the Odds." [140]
* Sword Brethren Terminators: 5 Terminators w/ 2 Cyclone Missile Launchers, 5 Storm Bolters, 5 Power Fists, and Tank-Hunters. [265]
* Sword Brethren Terminators: 5 Terminators w/ 2 Cyclone Missile Launchers, 5 Storm Bolters, 5 Power Fists, and Tank-Hunters. [265]
* Crusader Squad: 7 Initiates w/ 5 Bolt Pistols and Close Combat Weapons, 1 Meltagun, 1 Bolt Pistol and Power Weapon & Frag Grenades; 2 Neophtyes w/ 2 Bolt Pistols and Close Combat Weapons & Frag Grenades. Mounted in a Rhino w/ Smoke Launchers and Searchlights. [215]
* Crusader Squad: 7 Initiates w/ 5 Bolt Pistols and Close Combat Weapons, 1 Meltagun, 1 Bolt Pistol and Power Weapon & Frag Grenades; 2 Neophtyes w/ 2 Bolt Pistols and Close Combat Weapons & Frag Grenades. Mounted in a Rhino w/ Smoke Launchers and Searchlights. [215]
* Crusader Squad: 5 Initiates w/ 3 Bolt Pistols and Close Combat Weapons, 1 Flamer, and 1 Bolt Pistol and Power Weapon. Mounted in a Razorback w/ TL-Lascannons, Power of the Machine Spirit, and Searchlights. [217]
* Crusader Squad: 5 Initiates w/ 3 Bolt Pistols and Close Combat Weapons, 1 Flamer, and 1 Bolt Pistol and Power Weapon. Mounted in a Razorback w/ TL-Lascannons, Power of the Machine Spirit, and Searchlights. [217]
Fast Attack:
* Land Speeder Squadron: 1 Land Speeder w/ 1 Heavy Bolter and 1 Typhoon Missile Launcher. [70]
* Land Speeder Squadron: 1 Land Speeder w/ 1 Heavy Bolter and 1 Typhoon Missile Launcher. [70]
* Land Speeder Squadron: 1 Land Speeder w/ 1 Heavy Bolter and 1 Typhoon Missile Launcher. [70]
Total Points: [1850]
So I wanted to keep the core of the "Hybrid" 2k list intact as much as possible. As you'll notice, I dropped the 10-man Crusader squad from the list to make the points limit. Then I used the remaining points my Razorbacks. The key change is that these Razorbacks now have Power of the Machine Spirit. This means my opponent will no longer be able to simply shake/stun my vehicles to prevent them from firing. And it also means they are essentially "fast", so if I need to stay mobile, I have that opportunity. In addition, I refitted those two Crusader squads a little bit to give them decent ability in close combat, should it be necessary to put them there.
Why did I choose to keep the Razorback squads? Because I tend to field more shooting than is probably necessary in the event that I face some serious mechanization. I would rather have more anti-tank weapons than I need, than having too few. Especially with how many IG players are already registered for the tournament. In addition to the AT abilities of the list, I also have plenty of anti-infantry. I get this from my Terminators, Typhoons, close combat, and the two Flamer units.
Thus, I have plenty of AT and AI. I can deal with units in both the shooting and assault phase. Most importantly, there is lots of mobility in my list. The only ones that are "slow" are the Terminators, but they can move and shoot every turn so they'll be where I need them.
Anyway, I have to get my ducks in a row and start getting some actual GOOD painting done if I'm going to score well at this tournament. :D