* Overlord w/ Warscythe. Mounted in a Catacomb Command Barge w/ Telsa Cannon. [180]
* Royal Court: 5 Crypteks w/ 5 Harbingers of Destruction and 1 Solar Pulse. [185]
* Stalker w/ Heat Ray. [150]
* Stalker w/ Heat Ray. [150]
* Stalker w/ Heat Ray. [150]
* 5 Immortals w/ Telsa Carbine. [85]
* 5 Immortals w/ Telsa Carbine. [85]
* 5 Immortals w/ Telsa Carbine. [85]
* 5 Immortals w/ Telsa Carbine. [85]
* 5 Immortals w/ Telsa Carbine. [85]
* 5 Immortals w/ Telsa Carbine. [85]
* 3 Wraiths. [105]
* 10 Scarabs. [150]
* 10 Scarabs. [150]
* Annihilation Barge w/ TL-Telsa Destructor and Telsa Cannon. [90]
* Annihilation Barge w/ TL-Telsa Destructor and Telsa Cannon. [90]
* Annihilation Barge w/ TL-Telsa Destructor and Telsa Cannon. [90]
TOTAL: [2000]
So the Crypteks split up to join with the Immortals and throw down their Eldritch Lances at vehicles for funsies. This will boost those squad's numbers a little bit, but they are still exposed to fire. Use the Solar Pulse as needed. In the meantime, the Overlord is cruising around in his pimp-mobile and swinging his stupid good warscythe at whatever he chooses. Vehicles? No problem. Infantry? Got it covered. Its like close combat, except without the getting hurt back issue. Plus, if you go flat out when you're doing your swings, you get the cover save next turn. ;)
The Stalkers will be advancing early game into positions of cover or clear fire lanes, with the preference on cover. For Stalkers close to the enemy, the Wraiths will provide screening against close combat. These units synergize well with each other, as both move through cover effortlessly and will be important for late game contesting should they still be around. Obviously, the Stalkers will target primarily enemy vehicles with their dual-melta. However, they don't always need to.
The Annihilation Barges are also ridiculous. Crap ton firepower for the minimal price of 90 points. The TL-Telsa Destructor is almost enough to make me take it for that price, but adding a Telsa Cannon to it? Count me in. That is 6 Telsa shots, which means you're statistically going to "proc" at least once per shooting phase. Add in the 'Arc' bounce, and you have some nice anti-infantry. They can even be pointed at vehicles if you want, acting as a ghetto Autocannon. Just remember that the "-" will cause you to get -1 on the damage chart, but that is okay, since you really only need to suppress. They are more for anti-infantry anyway. Its the Overlord, Crypteks, Scarabs, and Stalkers that are doing the heavy lifting on the anti-tank front. :)
Lots of little things that are incredibly dangerous. Do you shoot the Scarabs, knowing what they can do? If you do, then you allow the Stalkers and Overlord to advance forward unmolested, and they will wreck faces. Or do you concentrate your firepower into the relatively weak and small sized Troops squads, hoping to kill them off? If that happens, you're still going to get smacked by the incoming forces. Everything is cheap. There are no "good" targets in this army, but everything NEEDS to be targeted. This would be a fun list to play. If one were to have a Necron army, of course. ;)