Updates that I plan on making are as follows:
1) An additional "Building a 5th Edition List" article. It will still go through all of the thought exercises that a person might go through when building a list, just like the original one did. This time, however, a truly optimized and competitive list will be the end result.
2) Talking about Rules as Intended (RAI) and Rules as Written (RAW). This will talk a little about the INAT FAQ, as well as some recent BT rules discussions.
3) I plan on talking a little bit about the ETC and my thoughts on the whole thing. Stelek is done doing team list reviews on YTTH so this article might provide insight into the global 40k community. If nothing else, it'll be a mini-rant that might be interesting to read.
4) Finally, the addition of a general 40k tactics and list building skills page. This page is basically a storehouse of useful articles from other authors in the community, that would be beneficial to take a look at if you've not already seen them. It is already implemented and will be updated as I come across noteworthy articles.
I also want to expand on the BT 101: Duality page, as well as the BT 101: Tips For Beating Other Armies page. They could use a bit more explanation to really drive home the information found on those pages. Unfortunately, I'm not sure I'll have enough time to do that before the 1st. That might be a mid-month update.
Of course, all the normal continually updated items will continue to be done. Those include battle reports, painting and modeling, and the development of my Njesta Crusade fluff.