* Marshal (Primaris Captain) w/ Master-crafted Power Sword, Heavy Bolt Pistol, Relic Shield, and The Crusader's Helm. [105] *Warlord -- Frontline Commander*
* High Marshal Helbrecht. [155]
* Chaplain Grimaldus w/ Litany of Divine Protection and Fires of Devotion. *Hero of the Chapter -- Epitome of Piety* [95]
* Vanguard Veterans (1x Sergeant and 9x Veterans) w/ 4x Thunder Hammers, 7x Storm Shields, 3x Chainswords, 3x Dual Chainswords, and Jump Packs. [278]
* Company Veterans (1x Sergeant and 3x Veterans) w/ 4x Power Swords and 4x Storm Bolters. [100]
* Bladeguard Veteran Squad (1x Sergeant and 2x Bladeguard) w/ 3x Master-crafted Power Swords, 3x Heavy Bolt Pistols, and 3x Storm Shields. [105]
* Judiciar w/ Executioner Relic Blade and Absolver Bolt Pistol. [85]
* Assault Intercessor Squad (1x Sergeant and 9x Assault Intercessors) w/ 10x Astartes Chainswords and 10x Heavy Bolt Pistols. [190]
* Incursor Squad (1x Sergeant and 4x Infiltrators) w/ 5x Paired Combat Blades and 5x Occulus Bolt Carbine. [105]
* Incursor Squad (1x Sergeant and 4x Infiltrators) w/ 5x Paired Combat Blades and 5x Occulus Bolt Carbine. [105]
* Outrider Squad (1x Sergeant and 2x Outriders) w/ 3x Astartes Chainswords, 3x Twin Bolt Rifles, and 3x Heavy Bolt Pistols. [135]
* Outrider Squad (1x Sergeant and 2x Outriders) w/ 3x Astartes Chainswords, 3x Twin Bolt Rifles, and 3x Heavy Bolt Pistols. [135]
* Suppressor Squad (1x Sergeant and 2x Suppressors) w/ 3x Accelerator Autocannons. [105]
* Devastator Squad (1x Sergeant and 4x Devastators) w/ 4x Grav-cannon and Grav-amps, 1x Storm Bolter, and Armorium Cherub. [123]
* Impulsor w/ 2x Storm Bolters and 1x Ironhail Heavy Stubber. [111]
* Drop Pod w/ 1x Storm Bolter. [68]
* Hero of the Chapter (-1CP)
TOTAL POINTS/CP: [2000]/[11 CP]
So, I have been toying with lists ever since the points had been leaked for the Space Marine units. Most of the core units from 8th Edition still work, so that was the start of my lists. There is a couple of tenets that I have been following throughout 8th and it has made my lists pretty hard to deal with. First, we need reliable first turn charges in the form of concealed positions and/or drop pods. This will influence your opponent's deployment and start to tie up some of their units/start getting those kills. Then you need a second wave for close combat that can arrive in the 2nd turn. You also need some harrassment units, preferably something that is quick and manueverable. Finally, your support pieces. These can be in the form of shooting or something else, depending on your list's needs. I run a very "In-your-face" list, so those Suppressors fulfill a need to stop the potential of Overwatch.
This list has 4 dedicated close combat units, not including character support. Suppressors support those close combat units. Grimaldus tags around with the Assault Intercessors, buffing them and utilizing The Emperor's Will to get across the board quickly. The Captain rides with the Bladeguard in the Impulsor, plus the Judiciar to take advantage of Devout Push. The Judiciar is there to ensure that your opponent does not pull a fast one on you to attack your Bladeguard first. Your drop pod full of Company Vets and Grav-toting Devastators will reap a fearsome tally with High Marshal Helbrecht riding along. And finally, the Vanguard Veterans will play cleanup and destroy whatever is in range. The Outriders will do their part claiming objectives/secondaries and they are no slouch in the shooting/close combat phases either. 55 bodies and 2 vehicles. Nice. ;)
So what do you think? Should be fun! :D