In the process of updating my 5th Edition lists, I came across my Templarbubble list. Its always been a personal favorite of mine, because it gave me an effective element of close combat while maintaining the needed shooting portions of the list. It even pulled in a .500 record at Nova Open 2011 when 200ponies ran a version of it with Grimaldus. That's pretty impressive after having very minimal play-testing with the list and learning on the fly. I'm confident that I could have done just as well, and possibly better, since I had experience with the list.
Let me tell you, its really difficult trying to save the core of a list and update it to the new edition. Ultimately, it simply wasn't possible with this particular army. The changes brought in 6th Edition simply made parts of my previous list obsolete. Adapt and overcome! Because the list already featured a Chaplain, I didn't take much more of a "points" tax for the "Warlord". But he did need some more wargear to making him worthwhile. For those that don't remember the older list, you can find it here. It was built around trying to manipulate "Abhor the Witch" and "Litanies of Hate" for TH/SS Terminators. And let me tell you, it worked well in 5th Edition. With 6th Edition, and even MORE psykers, it'll work even better.
After playing around with different styles and builds, I decided that the army would be better suited with allies. The original combo that I considered to synergize with my already numerous Terminator count, was Belial and two Deathwing troops. And honesty? I probably would have kept the list if I felt I could have dealt with flyers effectively. But since Dark Angels don't have access to flyers themselves, the list was discarded. Fortifications weren't an option either, as I didn't have any stationary shooty squads in the list. So I went with old reliable and used the core IG ally army that I've used in a few of my lists now. Below is the result of that mix.
* Master of Sanctity {Warlord} w/ Thunder Hammer, Crozius Arcanum, Terminator Armor, and Tank Hunters; 1 Terminator Command Squad Sword Brethren w/ Storm Bolter, Power Fist, and Tank-Hunters; 2 Sword Brethren w/ Cyclone Missile Launchers, Storm Bolters, Power Fists, and Tank-Hunters; 1 Sergeant w/ Power Sword, Storm Shield, and Tank-Hunters. [405]
* Emperor's Champion w/ Black Sword, Bolt Pistol, Armor of Faith, and the Vow: "Abhor the Witch, Destroy the Witch." [110]
* Company Command Squad {IG Allies}: 4 Veterans w/ 3 Meltaguns, 1 Lasgun, and Close Combat Weapons; 1 Company Commander w/ Laspistol, Close Combat Weapon, Refractor Field, and Frag Grenades. Mounted in a Chimera w/ Multi-Laser and Heavy Flamer. [135]
* Sword Brethren Terminators: 7 Assault Terminators w/ Thunder Hammers and Storm Shields. [280]
* Crusader Squad: 5 Initiates w/ 3 Bolters, 1 Plasmagun & 1 Multi-Melta. Mounted in a Rhino w/ Smoke Launchers and Searchlight. [150]
* Crusader Squad: 5 Initiates w/ 3 Bolters, 1 Plasmagun & 1 Multi-Melta. Mounted in a Rhino w/ Smoke Launchers and Searchlight. [150]
* Crusader Squad: 5 Initiates w/ 3 Bolters, 1 Plasmagun & 1 Multi-Melta. Mounted in a Rhino w/ Smoke Launchers and Searchlight. [150]
* Crusader Squad: 5 Initiates w/ 3 Bolters, 1 Plasmagun & 1 Multi-Melta. Mounted in a Rhino w/ Smoke Launchers and Searchlight. [150]
* Veteran Squad {IG Allies}: 9 Veterans w/ 3 Plasmaguns, 6 Lasguns, 9 Close Combat Weapons, and Krak & Frag Grenades; 1 Veteran Sergeant w/ Laspistol, Close Combat Weapon, and Krak & Frag Grenades. Mounted in a Chimera w/ Multi-Laser and Heavy Bolter. [170]
* Veteran Squad {IG Allies}: 9 Veterans w/ 3 Plasmaguns, 6 Lasguns, 9 Close Combat Weapons, and Krak & Frag Grenades; 1 Veteran Sergeant w/ Laspistol, Close Combat Weapon, and Krak & Frag Grenades. Mounted in a Chimera w/ Multi-Laser and Heavy Bolter. [170]
Fast Attack:
* Vendetta {IG Allies} w/ 3 TL-Lascannons and Extra Armor. [130]
Total Points: [2000]
I had my six troops and capturing quarters/objectives would likely not give me any issues. The key point of this list was mid-field control and vehicle saturation. I was putting 7 transports on the board, with a Vendetta for anti-flyer/anti-tank duties. Each of those transports packed units with shooting deadly to both vehicles and elite infantry. Plasma is going to be huge this edition, in my opinion, and I have lots of it in this list. But I didn't sacrifice my melta to get it. However, I did have to cut down on the number of my CML-terminator squads to one to fit the allies in. And if you want to get technical, I don't have any. Its now a Terminator Command squad, led by a nasty CC-oriented Master of Sanctity. He gives that squad durability, as well as CC-prowess should they be needed there. Meanwhile, they are blasting away as normal at enemy vehicles.
The Emperor's Champion would lead the 7 TH/SS terminators and act as their "Character" in battle, challenging anyone who came out of the wood-work. Obviously, this squad isn't as huge as the previous version, but now we have a wider array of threats for your opponent to deal with. All of them creating huge targeting issues. Do you shoot the Terminators? The Terminator Command squad? The huge pile of troops? The flyer? Something for every type of opponent I'd be likely to face.
But then I thought, I think I can do this a little bit better. What harm could come of adding even more threats to my list? To add to that, I felt I was a little light on my anti-horde weaponry. So seeing that I already had IG as my allies, a Manticore was at the top of my list of things to grab. With the changes to barrages/blasts, these things are wickedly nasty. They are a bit expensive, but worth their points. They would allow me to shoot at those annoying squads hiding behind Nova's terrain, blast hordes off the board, or possibly kill masses of vehicles in a single barrage. I'm not sure if you've ever faced Manticores before, but they are scary. Very scary. So that brought me to this following list.
* Master of Sanctity {Warlord} w/ Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Crozius Arcanum, Terminator Armor, and Tank Hunters; 1 Terminator Command Squad Sword Brethren w/ Storm Bolter, Power Fist, and Tank-Hunters; 2 Sword Brethren w/ Cyclone Missile Launchers, Storm Bolters, Power Fists, and Tank-Hunters; 1 Sergeant w/ Power Sword, Storm Bolter, and Tank-Hunters. [405]
* Emperor's Champion w/ Black Sword, Bolt Pistol, Armor of Faith, and the Vow: "Abhor the Witch, Destroy the Witch." [110]
* Company Command Squad {IG Allies}: 4 Veterans w/ 3 Meltaguns, 1 Lasgun, and Close Combat Weapons; 1 Company Commander w/ Laspistol, Close Combat Weapon, Refractor Field, and Frag Grenades. Mounted in a Chimera w/ Multi-Laser and Heavy Flamer. [135]
* Sword Brethren Terminators: 7 Assault Terminators w/ 4 Thunder Hammers and Storm Shields & 3 Pairs of Lightning Claws. [280]
* Crusader Squad: 5 Initiates w/ 3 Bolt Pistols and CCWs, 1 Plasmagun & 1 Multi-Melta. Mounted in a Rhino w/ Searchlights. [147]
* Crusader Squad: 5 Initiates w/ 3 Bolt Pistols and CCWs, 1 Plasmagun & 1 Multi-Melta. Mounted in a Rhino w/ Searchlights. [147]
* Crusader Squad: 5 Initiates w/ 3 Bolt Pistols and CCWs, 1 Plasmagun & 1 Multi-Melta. Mounted in a Rhino. [146]
* Veteran Squad {IG Allies}: 9 Veterans w/ 3 Plasmaguns, 6 Lasguns, 9 Close Combat Weapons, and Krak & Frag Grenades; 1 Veteran Sergeant w/ Laspistol, Close Combat Weapon, and Krak & Frag Grenades. Mounted in a Chimera w/ Multi-Laser and Heavy Flamer. [170]
* Veteran Squad {IG Allies}: 9 Veterans w/ 3 Plasmaguns, 6 Lasguns, 9 Close Combat Weapons, and Krak & Frag Grenades; 1 Veteran Sergeant w/ Laspistol, Close Combat Weapon, and Krak & Frag Grenades. Mounted in a Chimera w/ Multi-Laser and Heavy Flamer. [170]
Fast Attack:
* Vendetta {IG Allies} w/ 3 TL-Lascannons and Extra Armor. [130]
Heavy Support:
* Manticore {IG Allies} w/ Storm Eagle Rockets, Heavy Bolter, Searchlight, and Smoke Launchers. [160]
Total Points: [2000]
Honestly? I like this version quite a bit more. I still have 5 troop squads, which should be more than enough for my needs. I didn't need more than 4 in my games last year at Nova, but I they would have given more tactical flexibility. I don't have 6, but its a nice compromise. Weighting the pros and cons, I think the Manticore adds more to the list than a MM bunker squad does. It just gives me that much more "Oomph" right from the get-go.
The list has 4 Missile Launchers (Tank Hunters), 3 TL-Lascannons, 3 Multi-Lasers, 3 Multi-Meltas, 1 set of Storm Eagle Rockets, 3 Meltaguns, 9 Plasmaguns, and 3 Heavy Bolters. Then there is one true CC-dedicated unit in my TH/SS Terminators, but the Terminator Command squad can pull it off nearly as well. Plus, I have reasonable psyker protection for my BT units with the "Abhor the Witch" vow. Decent amounts of AT, lots of AI, and enough CC-units to do damage. Thoughts?