As an aside: If I had the Drop Pods available, I'd likely bring my Defensive Drop Pod list instead, as it is quite good as well. It'd be perfect for the mission set that Nova is running this year.
Now that MVB has released the preliminary mission pack for the tournament, I've come to the realization that perhaps my gunline list could be optimized a bit more for the missions and opponent's at hand.
The current list that I plan on using has an overwhelming amount of firepower that can easily blast away most of an opponent on the first turn, given average rolling. Very much an Alpha Strike list, albeit the list is quite balanced in its design. There is quite a few separate units with the ability to destroy vehicles; sixteen to be exact. I even have several dedicated AI units. Against 98% of my opponents, this will be plenty to take care of anything my enemy puts against me. Even still, I fear that my firepower is too fragile.
Not counting the Tactical Terminator squads, which will keep firing until they are dead, I have 4 minimally sized crusader squads that suffer from "Kill Them All" and "Righteous Zeal". Not only can those special rules be manipulated by a smart opponent to their advantage, the troops units can taken out of action quickly with focused fire or an unlucky RZ roll. I also have 4 fragile Razorbacks and 3 Typhoons. If I get the first turn, I'm not worried about what is firing at me, as its probably dead already. But if I don't have it, or I'm facing SW Razorspam/IG Parking-lots, I could be in trouble. I also lack a true, cheap-bubble wrap unit to protect my line against my opponent's dedicated assault or out-flanking units.
In addition to the list's problems, the first round scenario for Nova is Dawn of War deployment, with a primary mission goal of Kill Points. This puts a gunline list at an extreme disadvantage, as I have to move onto the board, potentially losing a turn of shooting between movement and Nightfighting rules. Losing a turn of shooting with a gunline list is bad, especially when going for Kill Points. I need to find something that is relatively durable to put in the list, or else something that will cause an extreme distraction to my opponent so that they don't target my vulnerable firepower early on.
So I spent some time tonight thinking about what I could do to fix these potential issues, as I really do want to field the best list possible against my opponents at Nova. I have the time to adjust my lists as needed, at least for a few more months (painting is coming along). I cannot really touch the 4 Crusader squads, as they provide a lot of the firepower in the list. I really would like to keep the Typhoons as well. But looking at my Predators, I'm a bit concerned. Sitting still, they will be quite effective against footbased infantry or Monstrous Creatures. They can even put light vehicles out of commission. However, I'm concerned with their ability to take out rock units. Much like I had difficulty killing Jeremy's tricked out Thunderwolf Cavalry unit a while back, when I thought I'd have plenty of firepower to deal with them. In the end, I didn't do enough damage, and it caused me to lose the game. They also don't exactly scream "threat" to my opponent, so they'll put all their AT firepower into my vulnerable stuff.
Realizing that my biggest opportunity was probably the predators, I thought about what I could do with them. I don't think simply making them AC/Las or Tri-Las Preds are the answer. Sure they present a much more durable and credible AT threat, but they still suffer from having to stay stationary to fire at full effect. Power of the Machine Spirit is an option for these now, giving me some opportunity for mobility, but I think they'd just be too expensive for what they do at that point. So the only other legitimate option was the Vindicator.
Now don't get me wrong: I've always said that Vindicators have problems. And they still do. They are expensive, relatively easy to eliminate once you cross into mid-field (melta/side armor shots), and only have one real weapon of consequence. However, no player can deny the distraction value of 3 Vindicators flying straight at them. They WILL soak up shots, which is quite beneficial to my list, as my opponent isn't shooting at my vulnerable long-range weaponry. And if my enemy somehow decides that they don't want to shoot at the Vindis, they'll get Demolisher Cannon shots to the face. Against Long Fangs, this is bad. Against mob infantry, this is bad. Against Deathstar units (TWC instant death?!?), this is bad. Obviously cover saves are likely here, as my opponents won't allow open ground shots on infantry often. In addition, a wise opponent will spread their units way out to minimize the effect of the blast.
Fortunately, with the new FAQ, this unit got a little bit better than before. Previously, we put PoTMS and Extra Armor on a Vindicator so that it couldn't simply be chain-stunned by shooting. Not only does PoTMS still prevent the chain-stunning, it has improved BS, and allows you to move a full 12" and still fire the Demolisher Cannon. That effectively allows you to have a 36" range with the weapon. Only the Blood Angels can do that. This could potentially put it in range for 1st turn shots with the right deployment. The Demolisher Cannon also gives me a more reliable tool to use against AV14, as my list is lacking any melta currently. If I'm able to keep the 3 Vindicators close together, with my front armor facing my opponent's fire support, they should survive long enough to fire. And if they didn't, they achieved their distraction role in the list.
The way I envision this synergizing with my army is as such: If I don't have the first turn, I'll set up the Space Marine box. The Vindicators take their place in front of my more vulnerable Razorbacks to block LOS/grant cover saves, while those Razorbacks block LOS to my infantry. Remember that the TL-Lascannon turret can fire straight over the top of the Vindis. Once its my turn, I zoom the Vindis forward towards opportune targets, firing if in range. All the while, hopefully opening up firing lanes for my other units to fire on my opponent's fire support and transports. In the first round at Nova, this will be especially effective, while providing me with a legitimate source of KP. Of course, this needs some playtesting to fine-tune, but I feel that the idea at least holds water.
Unfortunately, to make room for the Vindicators, something had to go. Ultimately, that meant an unit of tactical Terminators. Yeah I'll miss their firepower potential, but I think that I can make some of that back up. How? By taking everyone's favorite unit: ISTs. Instead of taking a single unit of 5 in a Rhino with dual melta (when I can only fire one out of the hatch anyway), I'll take two 5-man units with dual-plasma. This way, I gain two more troops units that can deploy closer to midfield and cause more distractions for my opponent. Plus, they can prevent those blasted scout moves, which are devastating for gunlines. They can act as bubblewrap, objective holders, insurance policies for out-flanking units, or simply an anti-MEQ/Tank weapons platform. Your opponent certainly won't want to bring AV10-11 or MSU MEQ units in range of their plasma.
So this is what the list looks like after tweaking it with all of the above. I'd like your thoughts, ideas, concerns, etc. Maybe there is something I'm missing here or something I've not thought of. I gained my needed distraction units, as well as more troops, additional target saturation, and 2 legitimate bubble-wrap units. I did lose the torrent of fire from the Predators, as well as one unit of tactical terminators, but I didn't end up losing too much in the way of firepower when you account for the 4 plasmaguns and 3 Demolisher Cannons that I picked up in exchange. The more I look at the list, the more I believe I'm on to something here.
* Emperor's Champion w/ Black Sword, Bolt Pistol, Armor of Faith, and the Vow: "Abhor the Witch, Destroy the Witch." [110]
* Sword Brethren Terminator Squad: 5 Terminators w/ 2 Cyclone Missile Launchers, 5 Storm Bolters, 2 Chainfists, 3 Powerfists, and Tank-Hunters. [275]
* Crusader Squad: 5 Initiates w/ 3 Bolters, 1 Plasmagun & 1 Lascannon. Mounted in a Razorback w/ Twin-Linked Lascannons, Smoke Launchers, and Searchlights. [195]
* Crusader Squad: 5 Initiates w/ 3 Bolters, 1 Plasmagun & 1 Lascannon. Mounted in a Razorback w/ Twin-Linked Lascannons, Smoke Launchers, and Searchlights. [195]
* Crusader Squad: 5 Initiates w/ 3 Bolters, 1 Plasmagun & 1 Lascannon. Mounted in a Razorback w/ Twin-Linked Lascannons, Smoke Launchers, and Searchlights. [195]
* Crusader Squad: 5 Initiates w/ 3 Bolters, 1 Plasmagun & 1 Lascannon. Mounted in a Razorback w/ Twin-Linked Lascannons, Smoke Launchers, and Searchlights. [195]
* Inquisitorial Stormtrooper Squad {WH}: 5 Troopers w/ 3 Hellguns, 3 Targeters & 2 Plasmaguns. [70]
* Inquisitorial Stormtrooper Squad {WH}: 5 Troopers w/ 3 Hellguns, 3 Targeters & 2 Plasmaguns. [70]
Fast Attack:
* Land Speeder Squadron: 1 Land Speeder w/ Heavy Bolter and Typhoon Missile Launchers. [70]
* Land Speeder Squadron: 1 Land Speeder w/ Heavy Bolter and Typhoon Missile Launchers. [70]
* Land Speeder Squadron: 1 Land Speeder w/ Heavy Bolter and Typhoon Missile Launchers. [70]
Heavy Support:
* Vindicator w/ Demolisher Cannon, Power of the Machine Spirit, Extra Armor, and Searchlights. [161]
* Vindicator w/ Demolisher Cannon, Power of the Machine Spirit, Extra Armor, and Searchlights. [161]
* Vindicator w/ Demolisher Cannon, Power of the Machine Spirit, Extra Armor, and Searchlights. [161]
Total Points: [1998]
Continue the list analysis and thought process in the next blog post!