IN Spring Painting Competition 2023
Hello everyone! Its that time again! This year's Spring Painting Competition voting is commencing! This poll will run until August 7th, 2023 and the 5 highest voted paint jobs will be judged by our Templar Da Vinci to determine the winner of the competition -- and the prize of a 10th Edition Leviathan box set. Good luck to all and happy voting!
IN Spring Painting Competition 2023
Over the next few days, servitors will be working on Implausible Nature! Don't pay them any mind; meditating on your upcoming battles and giving thanks to the Emperor should be your priority. Once this work is complete, a lot of the old and outdated information will be removed. I am looking to refresh the website in light of Implausible Nature's evolution. As mentioned previously, the blog as it previously existed, cannot continue. It will be a nice repository for me for list building and other thoughts I may have, but many of these things will also be formatted into a video at some point. However, the BT 101 guide is incredibly popular, even now. So it will see updates over the next while, so please be patient with me if you are looking for this to be completed.
Also, if you wish to be added to the Black Templars gallery here on the website, please send some pictures to my email and we'll get them added! Just let me know the handle you would like me to reference you by, whether it be your real name, discord name, or other online alias. See you soon! As many of you have seen, Acebaur and I have started a YouTube channel. Its been great fun and we've gotten a number of you guys subscribing to the channel. This is awesome! There are thousands of Black Templars players who have joined different BT groups and/or Bolter and Chainsword. But we've only gotten a little over 425 of you subscribed! If you like what we're doing, subscribe and like our videos! And share it with your BT friends. The more, the merrier! Those extra subscriptions is the best way to support the channel's growth.
I will be honest, since we are doing videos, a lot of the content on the website is going to transition to static information like the BT 101 guide and article series prepping for tournaments, or list ideas. And that is okay, honestly. Its a new era and while the new channel is going in a positive direction, I'll utilize that medium. With that being said, I will be starting to update the BT 101 guide to 9th edition. You will start seeing that stuff happening in the next few weeks. Thanks everyone for all the support you've given us! We appreciate it more than you know! Hey guys, as many of you have seen from our many Facebook, reddit, and Bolter & Chainsword posts...Acebaur and I have started a YouTube channel! We've discovered that there really isn't a lot out there in terms of competitive strategy for us in the video medium; in fact a lot of content creators either ignore us completely or just brush us off giving misinformation because we aren't the flavor of the month. Hopefully we will help to put BT back into the spotlight and help the influx of new players we've been seeing! To start, we're going to be looking at doing detailed analysis of tactics, rules discussion and strategy, army building, and eventually the more hobby related things like painting, building, and conversion. All exclusively for the Black Templars. Once we are free of Covid-19 and tournaments are actually accepting some players (looks to be Spring 2021), we'll try to get some tournament battle reports. Its going to be a fantastic ride. We hope you join our little crusade! We hope you guys enjoy and subscribe so you get notified when we drop videos. Look for the next one soon where we go over the F&F stuff and talk about datasheets and rules and the implications for 9th! ~Marshal Laeroth~ Hello all! As you probably saw, Implausible Nature was kind of in a holding pattern when the news of 9th Edition hit. I probably should have made a post about that, but I was answering all of your emails at a furious rate so I figured I got to most of you. Haha. Anyway, 9th Edition is officially released and its time to start list building! We are going to take a look at one of the 9th Edition lists that I've finished. :) Hello everyone! I hope that everyone is staying safe. With everyone locked down, I was hoping that a new article series would be beneficial to some of the readers out there. Over the past couple of months, I've gotten to have quite a few conversations with a gentleman many of you may know: Acebaur, one of the Black Templars moderators from the Bolter and Chainsword forum. Over the course of these conversations, I've gotten to know him a bit better as a player and based on his questions, comments, and list-building, I asked him if he would be willing to be the subject of this experimental series. As Acebaur is not an all-in competitive and tournament player, I thought it would be a great way for casual/competitive players to learn from his experiences and the questions he has been bringing to me. Not everyone has the ability to travel around their respective countries, or internationally for that matter, to get in ultra-competitive games. I would be willing to bet that most of us stick to a group of common friends and play with those people predominantly. However, with that being the one wants to consistently lose. That is where I feel Acebaur sits. He has a competitive mind, but has some self-imposed restrictions on how to assemble his Black Templars army. This prevents his lists from becoming as competitive as they can possibly be and that is okay! This series is going to look into his army's evolution and learning to become the best player he can be. We are going to start with an interview with Acebaur so that everyone can get a better understanding of who he is and what he is all about. Good afternoon everyone! Over the course of the past few weeks, I've gotten a lot of emails asking to do some analysis on my lists: how I use them and why I chose those units. So I am going to start with the list that has gone through a ton of iterations since Faith and Fury, to a point where I think its pretty optimized. The meta has shifted, especially after the FAQ to nerf Iron Hands (and lesser so Raven Guard), so we've needed to adjust our lists slightly to compensate. Let's take a look at my current version of my PA2 Sword Brethren list.
"Hello Laeroth,
I was wondering if you would consider doing a listbuilding article or just tips using only classic/mini Marines as a constraint. Seeing as the official Templar range is classic, and many Templar players are mini marine nostalgics from the codex days. (also personal OCD with mixing models of different scales) You are also the only publication that focuses on the boys in black, it would be grand. Regards," Hello all! Good to see you! With the holidays and some big ITC tournaments over, we're getting back into the saddle for the the 2020 tournament season! I have several articles pending, including an email response regarding classic marine list building and several tactica articles on using some of my posted lists. I am also going to start working on updating the BT 101 guide, now that we've gotten the PA2 book and the follow-up FAQ for it. However, for today, I wanted to do something a little bit more fun. I want to show you a list that I've been playing around with for a couple weeks now and am hoping that I can get some heavy use out of it while I am painting up my current ITC list.
Hello everyone. By now, everyone has had some time to play around with list building and digesting what PA2 has given us. The book has given us a good amount of stuff to play around with, but it changes how we do things now. We've got the benefit of having a very strong codex in the base Space Marines book, but a lot of what that codex does well is in the shooting phase. So what we need to do is adapt the SM book to what our chapter does well: getting into combat quickly and efficiently, then doing enough damage to take out your opponent. Let's take a look at some of the things we can do.
Laeroth's Blog
This blog is devoted to the Black Templars chapter and the tactics, list building, and general musing associated with them. Readers will see occasional posts from Marshal Laeroth -- "Bob". Archives
July 2023